  • 學位論文


Constructing and Empirical testing a Stimulating Creativity Model

指導教授 : 楊承亮


身處這個瞬息萬變的時代,我們每天都會面臨不同的問題或挑戰,這樣的環境 已迫使企業必須運用創造力加以解決或應變,創造力已衍然成為企業競爭力的代名 詞,甚至是凌駕於土地、資金、勞動成本等傳統生產要素之上。 為了揭開創造力的神秘面紗,進而激發創造力,本研究建構了一個整合的「創 造力激發模型」。這個模型裏,有創造力的輸入要素、轉換過程以及輸出結果,包含 了創造性的人、環境、歷程和成果等四個構面。其中,在創造力的輸入要素部分, 本研究以Amabile(1983, 1996, 1997, 1998)的創造力元素為基礎,修訂為包括人的動 機、專業知識、創造性思考技能以及社會環境,並且四個要素交互作用愈大,創造 力愈高;而在創造力的轉換過程和輸出成果部分,本研究提出四成份九階段的系統 化創造性問題解決(creative problem solving; CPS)歷程,以Isaksen, Dorval, and Treffinger (2011) 的三成份六階段CPS為基礎,新增「融入社會文化」成份,以及成 份內的三個階段:獲得認同、新增領域範疇、產生新文化,除將CPS的研究範圍推 展至社會科學層面,也更加突顯創造力之獨創性及有用性,以及創造的成果得以隨 著時間被傳承下去的重要性。 此外,本研究以Wii遊戲機這個典型的創造力個案,推演及實證所提出的「創造 力激發模型」。研究結果顯示,此模型具邏輯性,可在創新的過程中,協助個人或企 業據以激發創造力。


Living in this rapidly changing era, each enterprise must use creativity to resolve different problems or strain new challenges. It seems that creativity has become the pronoun of enterprise's competitiveness, even above the traditional factors of production including land, capital and labor. In order to reveal the mysterious veil of creativity, and then to stimulate creativity, we constructed the integrated model to excite creativity. In this model, there is creative input, processing, and output, that has four dimensions including person, situation, process, and product. Among them, we take human motivation, expertise, creative thinking skills, and social environment as the elements of creative inputs. It is based on Amabile’s components of creativity. The greater interaction between the four components, the higher creativity is. In addition, we proposed four components and nine steps of creative problem solving (CPS) as creative process. It is based on three components and six stages of CPS, which was modified by Isaksen, Dorval, and Treffinger in 2011. We added the fourth component: Incorporate the society, and the component within the three stages: authenticated by gatekeepers, infusing into domain, generating new culture. It is not only extend the scope of research to social science, but also highlight the originality and usefulness in creativity, and emphasize the importance that the creative product must have be passed down along time. Finally, we put Wii's creativity as a typical case into this model to deduction and empirical. The results show that the model is logically. In the innovation process, it can help individuals or businesses according it to stimulate creativity.


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