  • 學位論文


A Study on Inverter Application on Air Compressor with Torque Shortage Caused by Failed Setting

指導教授 : 陳斌魁


提高馬達用電效率為各先進國家節約能源計畫中之重點項目。為了節約能源而更換高效率馬達的同時,需注意馬達轉速對耗能的影響,否則節能效益將存疑。一般當負載為離心式時,馬達轉速增加2%,其耗能將增加約8%,本論文考慮高效率馬達轉速較一般效率馬達高,為更精確評估節能空間需將此轉速對於離心式負載與馬達耗能的影響一起考慮。 隨製程變動,馬達並非一直保持在滿載或效率最高點運轉,產業界常使用變頻器並配合負載運轉來節約能源。本研究主要探討為節約空壓機用電,而安裝變頻器,若變頻器設定不理想,將有轉矩不足現象,進而造成空壓機輸出無法滿足現場需要,本研究以實際運轉資料來模擬、分析,以說明此轉矩輸出不足,與變頻器設定有關。可藉由更改變頻器參數或是更換成向量控制之變頻器來提升馬達轉矩,即可使空壓機正常運轉。


Generally, high efficient motors are designed with lower slip than the normal efficient motors. With centrifugal loads, increasing motor operating speed by 2% can increase the power required to drive the system by 8%. It is important that the effect of speed difference should be considered in the energy calculation in order to obtain more accurate calculation. Motors do not operate in full-load situation all the time, so industry always use inverter to save energy with load operation. If the setting of inverter of air compressor does not ideal, there will be torque shortage, that makes air compressor cannot operate as expect. This research simulates and proves that the torque shortage is caused by fail setting with real data. This problem can be solved by changing the inverter setting or changing an inverter which controls by vector.


torque centrifugal loads inverter


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