  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 林南宏


台灣IC設計產業競爭非常激烈,尤其是在個人電腦應用領域中,相關投入的廠家數量尤其驚人。本研究中的松翰科技從事個人電腦影像IC設計開發,卻能在短短不到六年的時間,以後進者的態勢,在競爭激烈的筆記型電腦內建相機模組市場中取得龍頭的地位,實屬難得,而其中的成功因素,值得作為其他業者的參考。 本個案從兩方面來探討松翰科技的成功因素: 一、探討後進者在激烈競爭市場下的策略定位。 二、相關策略執行下所創造的競爭優勢。 從不同產品生命週期的策略分析,來探討策略形成的過程及結果,以檢視其形成的相關競爭優勢,而能在眾多的競爭對手中脫穎而出,進而達到企業獲利及永續經營的終極目標。 本研究發現松翰科技自創業以來,皆能按部就班的成功導入新的產品及市場。觀察可以發現其在產品開發初期,皆能先對市場進行分析瞭解以求掌握住最佳的市場切入時間點。在產業成長期時,專注在產品功能上,極力滿足客戶的需求。在產業成熟期時遂行低成本策略來面對競爭對手的殺價競爭,最後在產業飽和及衰退期則找尋相關應用產品的相關創新領域,以求突破困境。松翰科技複製相同的模式,應用在不同的產品上,使得它能自成立以來年年的高獲利,其成功的歷程足以成為台灣IC設計廠商的典範及仿效的對象。 關鍵字:策略定位、競爭優勢、關鍵成功因素


There is very stiff competition in the integrated circuit (IC) design industry in Taiwan, especially in the field of personal computer applications, as indicated by the proliferation of factories for such products. Sonix is engaged in the design and development of ICs in personal computer images, and has been the leader in the highly competitive market of notebook computers’ built-in camera module, which rarely happens for a company that is considered a latecomer in the industry with less than six years in operation. It is therefore worthy of becoming a reference for success of the other industries. This case discusses the factors that contributed to the success of Sonix in two aspects: First, the strategic positioning of the latecomer in the highly competitive market is presented. Second, competitive advantages created by executing related strategies are discussed. The process and outcomes of strategy formulation are discussed by analyzing life cycles of different products to determine the competitive advantages that made products stand out among the numerous competitors and achieve the ultimate goal of gaining benefits from the business and having sustainable operations. It was found from this research that Sonix can successfully introduce a new product into the market step by step since its establishment. Based on observation, Sonix does an in-depth study of the market, therefore, they knew when the best time is to enter the market and this is during the early stages of product research and development. During the growth stage of the industry, Sonix tries its best to meet the customers’ requirements by focusing on the product functions and carrying out a low cost strategy in order to compete with other low-priced products during the mature period. Lastly, Sonix seeks other aspects of related products where innovation can be introduced during the saturation and recession stage so as to overcome difficulties. By duplicating the same system and applying this to its different products, Sonix achieves tremendous success yearly since its establishment. Moreover, its success story can become an inspiration for other IC design manufacturers in Taiwan. Keyword: Strategic Positioning, Competitive Advantages, Key Successful Factors


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2009年資訊工業年鑑編撰小組,2009年資訊工業年鑑,初版,台北:財團法人資策工業策進會產業情報研究所,(2009):6-1 – 6-2。
