  • 學位論文


Design a QR-Code Multiple Access Mechanism based on DS-CDMA Conception

指導教授 : 李興漢


隨著智慧型行動裝置的普及和政府企業大力推動快速回應碼(Quick Response Code, 簡稱QR-Code)發展之下,國人使用QR-Code的比例逐漸增高,應用也逐漸擴展到各個層面上。QR-Code主要功用在於儲存各種樣式的資料,並且讓使用者能夠透過掃描器讀取QR-Code內的資料以獲取資訊。但使用者只要透過掃描器掃描,皆能讀取到QR-Code的資訊,對於有些具有敏感性資料來說,QR-Code的保密機制成為探討的議題。 經由多篇對QR-Code將資料隱藏的研究中,我們發現QR-Code對於隱私性的加密機制只侷限於「單人」,並無法做「多人身分」的差異讀取辨別。本篇論文經由直接序列分碼多重存取(Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access, 簡稱DS-CDMA)的概念,發展出有別於以往傳統加密演算法能夠以「身分」做為差異的QR-Code之應用的新模式架構。 此外,本論文以行動QR-Code醫務辨識手環做為應用實際案例,角色上的差異區分別醫師、護士等為,依照各角色所需要不同的資料存入QR-Code中,設計出QR-Code的存取差異。


多重存取 DS-CDMA QR-Code


With the promotion by the government and enterprises, Quick Response Code (QR-Code) has gained increasing popularity in Taiwan and expanded its applications to various aspects. The main function of QR-Code is to store various types of data and enable users to access the stored data using code readers. However, the easy access to QR-Code through code readers brings up the issue of security control of sensitive materials. There have been various encryption mechanisms proposed for QR-Code, but so far the encrypted QR-Code can only provide the same set of data to all users. Based on the Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access(DS-CDMA) concept, this study developed a novel encryption mechanism which can identify different users and provide different sets of data according to user’s identity. In addition, we use QR-Code medical identification as our the actual application cases. The role different between on of doctors, nurses, and so on. According to the various roles require different data are stored in the QR-Code, we designed QR-Code access differences.


QR-Code Multiple Access DS-CDMA


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