  • 學位論文


Investigating the Consumer's Intention to Purchase Life Insurance Through Internet

指導教授 : 陳煇煌


近年來,隨著國內網路人口不斷的攀升,網際網路快速崛起,帶動了一股網路購物的風潮。金融業也因為資訊科技進步與網路技術逐漸成熟的情況下,陸續推出網路證券下單、網路基金下單及網路銀行等金融服務,而人壽保險業卻因為保險商品的複雜性,消費者對保險商品不熟悉等因素,導致消費者使用網際網路購買人壽保險之比例一直無法提升。 本研究從消費者對網路上人壽保險產品之知識、需要與服務人員互動及行銷的角度來檢視與評估影響消費者使用網際網路購買人壽保險之意圖,並根據文獻推論提出三個假設1.網路專案之促銷活動會正向影響消費者網路購買人壽保險之意願;2.消費者對服務人員互動的需求程度,會反向影響使用網路購買人壽保險之意願;3.消費者對網路上人壽保險產品知識程度會正向影響網路購買人壽保險之意願。以網路便利抽樣調查,實證結果顯示: 1.網路專案促銷活動對消費者使用網際網路購買人壽保險意圖有正向顯著影響。 2.消費者需要與服務人員互動的需求程度對於使用網際網路購買人壽保險意圖無反向顯著影響。 3.消費者壽險產品知識程度對於使用網際網路購買人壽保險意圖有正向顯著影響。


In recent years, online business becomes very popular due to the growth of Internet users and the user-friendly of worldwide web browsers. To catch this wave, financial industry already launched many online services including online stock trading, online mutual fund trading, Internet banking and other financial services. However, the consumers of life insurance industry seem not affected like those in financial industry. This may be due to reason that most of Internet users are not familiar with the complicated terminology and rules of contracts behind insurance products. The objective of this thesis research is to evaluate the impact on Internet user's intention to purchase life insurance online from the perspectives of user's knowledge on life insurance products, user's need to interact with the insurance agents, and the online sales promotion policies. We developed the hypothesis and the questionnaire through literature review and then perform the survey using the Internet convenience sample questionnaires. The results of this thesis research indicate that: 1.The online sales promotion positively influences the consumer's intention to purchase life insurance online. 2.The customer's need to interact with the insurance agents has no significant effect on the consumer's intention to purchase life insurance online. 3.The consumer's knowledge about life insurance products positively influences the consumer's intention to purchase life insurance online.


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