  • 學位論文


A Study on the Difference in Operating Performance between Skinny Keyboard and Physical Keyboard

指導教授 : 吳志富


近年來多點觸控技術已成為行動裝置上之主流技術,隨著實體按鈕的減少,許多實體輸入的介面轉移至螢幕顯示,利用虛擬的介面傳遞輸入訊息。但對於已習慣使用鍵盤的人來說,沒有實體按鍵回饋及手指無法確定位對使用者造成困擾。因此,沒有實體鍵盤的設計其實用性有待進一步探討。 本研究目的為探討使用者於實體鍵盤及薄膜鍵盤在輸入資訊的功能上,可能遭遇的困難及影響輸入績效的原因,並藉以提出改良設計方向。研究中以相同尺寸配合聲音回饋有無的兩款薄膜鍵盤、薄膜虛擬鍵盤,及一款實體鍵盤進行實驗,並以中、英文輸入及複製貼上為工作項目,除比較其動作的差異外,亦分析在不同輸入裝置下的輸入績效(錯誤率、花費時間)、使用性主觀評量及NASA-TLX 使用者心智負荷等四種評量。量測結果利用SPSS單因子變異數分析,結果顯示:(1)薄膜鍵盤搭配聲音回饋及按鍵邊緣凸起的設計,讓手指定位功能性及回饋感受較佳僅次於實體鍵盤(2)薄膜虛擬鍵盤因手指定位功能較差,在中打任務時錯誤率及花費時間相對提高,降低輸入績效;(3)在各項任務的花費時間上兩款薄膜鍵盤在沒有聲音回饋時,均對身體負荷較大,容易疲勞;(4)雖然實體鍵盤輸入仍是一般人較願意使用且績效較高的輸入方式,但由於攜帶型產品大多追求輕薄,因此在厚度的考量上,薄膜鍵盤仍明顯優於實體鍵盤。由研究結果提出設計建議如下:(1)針對攜帶型外接鍵盤,可考慮使用霧面的材質,較不易產生眩光或指紋遮蔽視線的困擾,且鍵盤邊緣的凸邊可以增厚,增加觸覺上的回饋感;(2)針對薄膜虛擬鍵盤的設計建議,因無法增加觸覺上回饋,按鍵邊緣可增加視覺上的回饋並須搭配有聲音回饋模式。


輸入 觸控螢幕 薄膜鍵盤 鍵盤 回饋


In recent years, multi-touch technology has become a mainstream technology in mobile device. With the reduction of physical buttons, many entities input interface is transferred to the display of screen, and people begin to use virtual interface send messages. But for people who already have been accustomed to using the keyboard, there is no the physical keys feedback and fingers can’t be located accurately must cause distress to the user. The purpose of this study was to explore to find the difficulties and the reasons of input performance when user typing by skinny keyboard and physical keyboard, and in order to propose improved design direction. In experiment, there are two same size skinny keyboards with sound feedback and a physical keyboard, and in Chinese and English input and copy paste for the work item, then compare users action differences and analysis of different input performance (error rate, time). After the experiment, subjects have to fill in questionnaires about satisfaction assessment and NASA-TLX user mental workload. Measurement results using SPSS( ANOVA ) results showed that: (1) skinny keyboard with sound feedback and raised design of button edge, so finger positioning and feedback feel better less than a physical keyboard. (2) Skinny virtual keyboard due to poor finger positioning, error rate and time spent in playing task, relative to lower the input performance. (3) Subjects easily fatigue when use two skinny keyboards without sound feedback on the time spent in various tasks. (4) Although the physical keyboard input is generally more willing as input performance, but most of the pursuit of frivolous and portable products in the consideration of the thickness of the skinny keyboard is still significantly better than a physical keyboard. Design recommendations are as follows: (1) portable external keyboard may consider the use of matte material, less likely to produce glare or fingerprint obscured line of sight of trouble, and keyboard edge of the convex edge thickening, increase the sense of touch by the findings feedback sense (2) for skinny virtual keyboard design proposals, due to their inability to increase tactile feedback, key edge to increase the visual feedback and also with sound feedback mode.


input touch screen skinny keyboard keyboard feedback


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