  • 學位論文


Social Oriented Mobile System for Encourage Bike Commuting

指導教授 : 鄭穎懋


科技的進步所帶來生活的方便,造成現代人有著過度肥胖造成身體疾病的問題。而 運動不僅能減肥並且能降低心血管的疾病,以及幫助運動者紓解壓力。然而研究指 出現代人並非不知運動的好處,而是會遇到些許維持運動的障礙。因此本研究依照 現存單車研究及單車應用系統,提出以即時運動資訊呈現、遊戲挑戰、社群影響力 三大面向鼓勵運動之因素,實作出一套單車應用系統,依據三大面向進行個別之實 驗,以受測者實驗後的回饋,探討三大面向是否能滿足使用者對於單車運動之需求。 結果顯示三大面向之設計因素能對於單車使用者造成一定程度的影響力,但是卻無 法有效建立非單車使用者的騎乘習慣。因此本研究提出了幾項設計概要,用於誘導 式科技未來設計單車系統之參考。


Technology advances makes our life more comfortable, but it also brings up the impact of sedentary lifestyle. As a result, modern people have obesity problem global wild. Physical exercise has been shown to improve health conditions such as heart disease and depression. However, research shows that people know about benefits of regular exercise, but barriers to physical activity cause people unable to build it as habit. To better understand the underlying contradiction, this thesis presents a mobile application that bases on current persuasive technology research and product as a testbed to encourage physical activity. Three base design guidelines are distilled and formed:1.Comprehension of Current Physical Status, 2. Feel of Challenge, 3.Social Influence. The results show that the design guidelines can help generate designs to enhance the frequent bikers, but it is dim in brewing and building a cycling habit from the ground up. This thesis led to considerations on extending the design guidelines and directions for further development of persuasive technology in cycling.


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