  • 學位論文

中國傳統圖騰應用於時尚彩繪設計研究 -以人體彩繪為中心-

Application of Chinese Traditional Totem to the Fashion Design of Body Painting

指導教授 : 姜寶瑜
共同指導教授 : 凃重宏


中國傳統圖騰的運用起於商周、盛行於唐宋、鼎盛於明清,具有多元的歷史色彩及文化 特色,將其特有的圖騰意涵結合時尚彩繪設計,並以生活美學的角度切入為本研究的主軸。 研究方法除進行專家訪談法外,並輔以量化研究問卷調查法,採用SPSS12 統計軟體驗證假 設;研究中發現:一、人體彩繪常見的筆法有平筆平塗(刷)法、圓筆勾描法等,平筆法所呈 現的圖案面積較大,用色較均勻亦可做出漸層暈染的效果,線筆或圓筆較常運用在構圖設計 「強調」的表現,如描邊、線條的勾勒等,可使設計的整體性呈現立體與畫面的層次感。二、 受試者喜愛的顏料材質,以「水性顏料」29%選擇最多。三、時尚彩繪造型中,喜愛的彩繪色 系大部分以「鮮豔色系」,佔32%最多。四、中國傳統圖騰運用在時尚彩繪造型中,喜歡的 圖案選項以「龍.鳳」佔總人數之39%,為最多。五、時尚造型彩繪創作以「真人人體」的選 擇最多,佔58%。六、彩繪的預算選項為「1001-1500 元」的預算範圍最高,佔32%。七、受 試者對人體彩繪看法以「有藝術美觀價值」之選項佔51%最高。八、受試者認為「具備有人 體彩繪相關技能,是有助於個人職場的競爭力」,佔87%。九、受試者認為「具備有人體彩繪 相關技能,是有助於美容從業人員營業額的提升」,佔90%。十、受試者認為「價格不高可考 慮參加時尚美容彩繪相關課程」,47%最高。 希望藉由本研究中所得的資料,可以為時尚美容相關產、學、界在未來課程設計上及相 關議題之參酌方向。


The traditional Chinese Totem with the characters of multi-cultural histories and colors combined with the fashion body painting creation are mainly for the research on the living aesthetic perspectives. The methodologies of this study mainly focus on the interviews with the experts and the quantitative survey by questionnaires and witnesses by SPSS12. The results are as following: I. the common observed drawing techniques of human body painting include flat pen, fine pen or round pen. The flat pen brushes a larger area of the imagery, more even of the coloring and can bring forward the effect of gradual blooming. Line pen or round pen are more often used to emphasize on the aspect of image presentation of construction design, such as tracing the frame, outlining the lines and so on, allowing the entirety of the design to be presented with three-dimensional and picture of layering. II. The material of coloring preferred by the participants is mainly on water- based paint, with 29% of the total. III. Within the fashion painting styling, the bright colors preferred are around 32%. IV. Within the fashion painting styling, those preferred the options of dragon and phoenix pattern totem of imagery occupied 39% of total. V. The real human body painting is with 58% of total VI. The highest budget for color painting is between $1001 to $1500 with 32% of total. VII.The general public mostly perceives human body painting to be of artistic and beauty, with 51% of total. VIII. With the body painting skills is to contribute to the competitiveness of the individual workplace, accounting for 87%. IX.Body painting skills help advocate the cosmetologist sales amount, accounting for 90%. X.The participants thought that the reasonable price could be considered element to attend the fashion and beauty painted-related courses, 47% of the highest. The data of the study is anticipated to be applied in the concerned fashion and beauty industry, academia, and community in the future course design and the issues related to the deliberate direction.


