  • 學位論文


Exploring the Acceptance of Taiwan's Financial Technology Development with Delphi Method

指導教授 : 鄭亦君


金融科技(Financial Technology,簡稱FinTech)為金融業帶來創新及便利的作業程序,也改變了消費者使用金融工具的習慣。金融產業環境、基礎建設、移動裝置普及率和監管機關態度等,決定了FinTech發展的進程,整體而言,在台灣此領域仍處於萌芽期,各式各樣的創新嘗試很多,研究也很多。在傳統或不夠科技化的金融產業在FinTech的推動之下,在其經營模式與就業環境將產生巨大的衝擊,而要能改革成功,民眾對金融科技創新的接受程度非常重要。但針對台灣,除了外在環境的影響外,民眾對發展FinTech的各式各樣的創新服務的接受性,尚未有相關的研究與分析。因而,本論文將探討民眾對金融科技創新的接受度,成為在推動金融科技化時的關鍵成功因素,本論文將對金融相關專業人仕進行德爾菲法問卷,進而整理出台灣推動金融科技FinTech的關鍵成功因素,以提供台灣傳統金融業在金融科技FinTech浪潮下成功打造金融科技的發展平台。 因此本論文採用修正式德菲法的專家問卷研究方法,從支付、保險、存貸、籌資、投資管理和市場資訊供給六大功能面,希望取得28位專家在上述六個構面的民眾對金融科技創新的接受性共識性,作為金融界創新改革的參考。整個德菲法專家問卷調查經過三個回合,結果發現專家認為民眾接受性較高的都是支付面的服務,由前四名有效性排名可以發現,前四名的接受性都在4.0以上,若以等級分,即接受性都在「高」以上,顯示民眾使用最頻繁的服務,其接受度普遍較高。而前四名的金融科技服務,已在中國被普遍使用,因而專家可以肯定在台灣的接受性亦可被期待。


In recent year, FinTech advances have been rapidly transforming every aspect of our daily life through financial services. Advancing technologies, evolving customer expectation, and changing regulatory frameworks are opening doors to disruptive innovation in financial services. In Taiwan, although the government has announced 2015 as the year of FinTech, the progress of FinTech development is still slow as compared to its neighboring countries such as Hong Kong, Singapore and China. This study aim to identify the critical success factors for FinTech’s development in Taiwan based on customers’ acceptance of FinTechs and innovative financial services. An modified Delphi method was adopted in order to obtain the most reliable opinion consensus of a group of 28 experts by subjecting them to a series of questionnaires which was designed to extract customers’ FinTech acceptance with respect to the six core functions of financial services, namely, payments, insurance, deposits & lending, Capital Raising, Investment Management, and market provisioning. The results showed that FinTechs of payment are more accepted by the customers in Taiwan. The top four payment options are highly approved by the customers with scores higher than 4.0. These four payment options are very popular in China. Therefore, the experts all agree that they are promising in Taiwan.


4.瑞士智庫「世界經濟論壇(World Economic Forum, WEF)」(2015)。金融服務業的未來─破壞性創新如何重塑金融服務業結構、供應及消費。
