  • 學位論文


Successful Marketing Model of Internet Celebrity: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Top Ten On-line Searched YouTubers in 2017

指導教授 : 鄭亦君


隨著科技技術的進步與發展,網際網路的普及與網路使用費用收費降低,讓智慧型手機的使用者上網觀看影片與上傳自己錄製的影片變成是一件很簡單的事情。而在眾多影音分享平台當中,以YouTube最受使用者青睞,其容易將影片上傳、觀看、分享及免費的特性,隨之帶動了高人氣的曝光率及廣告效益,進而成就了一股「素人創作」及「網路紅人」浪潮。 本研究採用內容分析法及焦點訪談法,引用網路行銷的神迷理論原理,探討2017年台灣地區影音分享平台YouTube搜尋榜前十名頻道主所上傳的影片當中,點閱數量前十名的影片,進行內容分析及探討,從影片類型了解觀看者的喜好及神迷原因,提供從事網路行銷、網路社群媒體操作、口碑經營及品牌經營等相關領域的企業與工作者參考運用。


With the advancement and development of technology, it has changed the way people used to access the internet; hence, resulting in a significant decrease in internet usage fees. Nowadays, more and more people have switched from browsing the internet via computer to utilizing their smartphones for watching and uploading videos. Among many video-sharing platforms, YouTube has remained one of the most popular choices for people to use. Because of YouTube’s free service in uploading, viewing, and sharing videos, it is no wonder that this platform has gained both a high popularity ranking and can be said to have an effective advertising strategy. To illustrate how YouTube plays such a key role in everyday life, the rise of internet sensations can be said is the result of YouTube, seeing that before they became popular, they were only ordinary but yet talented people. This research uses both the content analysis and the focus interview methods to analyze the principle of internet marketing, as well as to discuss 2017's top ten most popular Taiwanese YouTube accounts and their ten most widely viewed videos. When analyzing these videos and their film type, we will also examine why viewers prefer these types and the reason for their addiction. In doing so, our findings can help employees and companies in the fields of online marketing, online community media operations, and word of mouth operations, as well as provide some insight on both social media engagement and brand management.


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