  • 學位論文


Next Stop:The View form The lnside

指導教授 : 鍾穗蘭


各位乘客,下一站到了, 請準備好您的行李, 準備前往「下一站.內在風景」。 搭載人生的車廂中,隨著列車的移動,我們總是只顧著馬不停蹄地前進,卻遺忘了身旁的美好事物。該從何處上車才能前往期待的風景呢?而每個人都有屬於自己的內在風景,如果你的雙手已緊握住,那就請好好保護它,因為它會隨著時間逐漸流失。   探索內在的風景,是透過創作進行一場自己和身體親密的對話所做的試驗;是為了要喚起精神層面與感官經驗對於外在世界的知覺,並將所見轉化為形象,不是重複、複製現實物件,而是透過爬梳思維、理出脈絡,掏顯內心底蘊,轉化為情感的內在符號;在不斷的自我超越與創造自我的過程,而生命的歷程不也是如此。 本創作論述是探討筆者面臨生活的壓力時,如何建立與壓力和平相處,引發嚮往與自然共處時,淨空心靈並追求體現生命恬淡的愉悅。對於自然環境流露出情感上的寄託,在尋找自我的過程,體認隨著時間流之相互交織、堆疊,透過心眼記錄環境變遷時存在於當下瞬間片刻的感動,試圖在變動的狀態下找出生命的本質,對於殘留腦中記憶的想像,透過創作捕捉綿延的生命力。 本論文主要分為五個部分,一、緒論說明研究動機、研究方法,內容有自身釋放情緒的方式,引發前往自然環境中尋求心靈上平靜的感受。二、學理探討是透過在自然環境的體驗,伴隨著身體知覺作為媒介,觸發移情作用的產生引起情感上的共鳴,催化記憶的再現,喚醒內在深處的省悟。三、創作探討與解析是探討在回歸自然的面貌時,發現時間與空間的並行而隨著生命不斷綿延、擴張。四、是針對作品的媒材與技法、表現形式進行分析及論述的書寫,分為三個部分,第一階段「過往風景系列」是對生命的探索,探討身處在環境的刺激之下與身體感之間的存在關係;第二階段「悟語系列」是生命韌性的展現,藉由對於山的發展形成,投射出自身情感的呈現,使主體自身內在的情感空間與客體的對象物之間產生時空距離的轉移,再由自身的觀察而從自然環境的生命體領認到不同面向的人生觀;第三階段「靜自然系列」是對生命的尊敬,探討人與人之間的相互尊重,及人與環境之間相互尊重的關係,而我們透過自然得到了心靈上的滿足,在現今不斷追求物質生活的時代,反觀我們能為環境付出了什麼,開始引發省思自身所處的環境。五、是在闡述透過藝術創作而達到絕對自由的創造,並且重新界定自我的價值作為本論述的總結。


Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our next stop. Please get your luggage ready to explore ‘ next stop: The View from The lnside’. In the train of life, we always focus on moving forward with no stop as the train progresses, but forget the wonderful things around us. Where then shall we get on the train to get to the landscapes we look forward to? Everyone has their own inner landscape. If you have already had it firmly in your hands, take good care of it because it will gradually fade away over time.   ‘Exploring inner landscapes’ is an experiment of intimate conversations between self and the body through creation. The purpose is to evoke perception of the outer world at the spiritual level through sensory experiences and transform what is seen into images. Instead of repeating and replicating real objects, what is hidden inside is excavated and transformed into internal symbols of emotions by combing the thoughts to sort out the threads. This is a process of self-transcendence and self-creation, quite like the journey of life. This creation recounts how the author lives in peace with pressure in life and how the yearning is induced for the pleasure brought by emptying the mind and pursuing and experiencing the tranquility in life while immersed in nature. By seeking emotional sustenance in the natural environment and realizing in the process of self-discovery that the eye of minds keeps recording the emotional impressions at the moment of environmental changes amid the intertwinement and overlapping with the flow of time, the author tries to find the essence of life and capture the ever-extending force of life through creation with imagination spurred by the remaining memories. This paper consists of five parts. (1) Introduction: This part explains motivation and methods of this study and the content describes how one releases emotions and how the yearning is induced to look for peace of mind in the natural environment. (2) Theoretical discussion: This part describes how experiences with the natural environment accompanied by sensory perception from the body as the medium trigger transference, which in turn evokes emotional resonance and how such resonance catalyzes the reemergence of memories and awakes enlightenment hidden deep inside. (3) Discussion and analysis of this creation: this part examines how one, upon going back to the roots of nature, discovers that ‘time’ and ‘space’ are in parallel and constantly extend and expand with life. (4) This part outlines the analysis of and the discourse on the mediums, techniques and forms of expression in this creation and is divided into three stages. Stage 1 ‘Past Landscapes Series’ explores life and examines how the existence of one’s physical sensations is related to the environmental stimulation one is exposed to. Stage 2 ‘Enlightening Words Series’ demonstrates the tenacity of life. One’s emotions are projected and represented by the development and formation of mountains to express the transfer of temporal and spatial distance between the emotional space within the subject and the object. With one’s own observations, one then derives an outlook on life in a different perspective from the natural environment. Stage 3 ‘Serene Nature Series’ pays tribute to life and explores the mutual respect between people and between mankind and the environment. We have obtained spiritual satisfaction with the help of nature. In today’s constant pursuit of material life, we should reflect on what we can do for the this discourse by expounding how artistic creation helps achieve absolute freedom of creation and redefining self-worth.


1. 尤昭良,《創與變現-現代繪畫的柏格森風》,新北市:暖暖書屋文化,2013。
2. 王世德,《美學辭典》,台北:木鐸出版社,1987。
3. 李醒塵,《西方美學史教程》,台北:淑馨出版社,1996。
4. 余秋雨,《藝術創造論》,台北:天下文化,2006。

