  • 學位論文


The Feasibility of the Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management in the Restaurant

指導教授 : 王瑤芬


地球的環境污染與生態破壞日益嚴重,環境問題和環境保護逐漸為國際社會所關注,台灣在追求經濟發展下使得自然資源耗竭,造成了嚴重的環境污染問題,生態與環境維護的聲浪日趨高漲,而環境永續發展,需要上游、中游和下游的企業與政府的共同配合,因此「綠色供應鏈管理」應運而生。國內餐飲環境的管理目前尚未以整體綠色供應鏈觀點實施,而專家學者雖已有以綠色供應鏈結合餐飲管理流程發展綠色餐廳管理指標,但對所建置的指標在實施時會碰到那些深層問題,則尚未驗證。因此,本研究主要目的是探討以綠色供應鏈所發展的「綠色餐廳管理指標」實際運用於餐廳實施綠色供應鏈管理的可行性。 本研究根據文獻所發展的「餐廳綠色供應鏈管理模式」做為研究理念架構,採質性研究取向,以立意取樣選擇台南地區素食、西式與中式餐廳各一間為研究對象,藉由個案研究法達成研究目的,研究工具是根據研究目的與「綠色餐廳管理指標」擬出訪談大綱及觀察表,受訪樣本為餐廳的管理者、員工、採購人員與消費者共21人,透過訪談、觀察與文件分析等多元方法蒐集資料並以主題分析法進行分析,信效度的掌握以資料的三角驗證、前後一致性驗證、同儕驗證以及回饋效度驗證來達成,經分析獲得的主要結論如下: 1. 業者對綠色餐廳的認知尚屬不足,綠色不應等同於環保。 2. 消費者對綠色餐廳的認知、接受度及消費意願左右業者實施綠色作為的意願。 3. 餐廳實施綠色供應鏈管理之可行性,在餐廳採購的上游端受到資金與成本的限制為最難實施的部分;而餐廳管理的中游端,經營者理念與消費者需求是直接影響餐廳整體綠色營運的關鍵;供應鏈下游端的後處理部分是業者願意配合,且執行意願較高的。 本研究認為政府若要實施綠色餐廳,無論在餐廳認證輔導或評鑑上都應先加強對餐廳員工實施綠色餐飲教育、對消費者推廣綠色餐飲。最後,根據研究結果對國內餐廳實施綠色供應鏈管理與後續研究方向提出具體建議。


With the increasing pace of pollution to the environment and ecological destruction, environmental protection issues are receiving attention around the world. The pursuit of economic development in Taiwan has depleted its natural resources, creating severe environmental pollution. This has led to the increasingly vocal support for ecological and environmental protection. Environmentally sustainable development requires the joint cooperation of businesses throughout the supply chain and the government. Thus, the concept of “green supply chain management” was born. Restaurant industry management in Taiwan has not yet adopted the green supply chain perspective. Though the green management indicators for restaurant were already under development by experts seeking to combine the green supply chain with process of restaurant management, currently there has not been any research to verify these indicators putting into practice in restaurant. Thus, the main purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of implementing the “Green Restaurant Management Indicators” developed from the concept of the green supply chain. According to literature review, this study developed the “Green Supply Chain Management Model for Restaurants” as a conceptual research framework. The qualitative research method was employed to achieve the purposes. Information was gathered through interviews, observations, and documents analysis. Through purposive sampling, three restaurants were selected for case study, including vegetarian, American, and Chinese restaurants. The tools of this study included the interview outline and observational checklist. The former was developed from the research purposes and the latter was developed according to Wang’s (2010) “Green Restaurant Management Indicators”. The participants of the interview were the managers, chefs or cook, purchasers, first line employees, and customers of the restaurants. In total, 21 people participated in the study; each restaurant had six to seven interviewees. The data was analyzed via thematic analysis. Triangulation Check, Cross-Check, Member-Check, and Feedback-Check were used to control the reliability and validity of the data. Based on the results, the primary conclusions were as follows: 1.Restaurant employees had insufficient knowledge about green restaurants. “Green” is not equivalent to environmental protection. 2.Recognition, acceptance, and consumer willingness of customers toward to green restaurants controlled the willingness of business owners to adopt green practices. 3.The restaurant was affected by some factors limit the feasibility of the implementation of green supply chain management. In upstream of the supply chain, Capital and cost were the main considerations limit the green procurement and which was the most difficult part to accomplish “green”. On the midstream of the supply chain, the recognition of business owner and the consumer demand toward green restaurant were the key factors affecting overall green operations in restaurant. The downstream of supply chain, namely post-processing, where businesses were willing to co-operate, displaying strong intention in actual implementation. According to the results, this study recommended that if a “Green Restaurant” is to be implemented, restaurant employees must first be educated, and the green dining concept should be promoted to consumers. Some recommendations were made for future research and implementing green supply chain management in restaurants in Taiwan.


