  • 學位論文


The Study between Service Quality and Satisfaction with Dental Clinic

指導教授 : 羅淑芳


台灣自從民國84年實施全民健康保險以來,政府提供良好的健保服務,使醫療環境改善了許多,然而現今醫療環境的競爭下,國人對於醫療的需求,不再只要求醫療效果,也重視醫療設備、良好的服務品質與醫生的服務態度。因此如何改善醫療院所的服務流程,提升病患對醫療院所的滿意度,得到最完善的醫療品質,這是每家醫療院所需要思考的問題。因此透過本研究所得到的結論,希望能夠對醫療院所有幫助,藉由改善醫療服務品質,也能夠提升醫療之競爭優勢。 本研究參照Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (PZB)服務品質的 SERVQUAL 量表,運用在牙醫診所的服務品質評估並且探討影響服務品質與病患滿意度之相關因子,研究對象以大學生對牙醫診所的醫療服務品質重要性與服務感受,透過問卷調查及引用李婉怡、吳靜宜、林佳慧(2007)論文經採用PZB服務品質來驗證並提出五個服務品質構面及25個項目,構面名稱為: 「所服務措施」、「診所應具備之看診條件」、「醫師診療態度」、「診所醫護人員服務態度」、「診所整體環境」,以建立重要性、服務感受、認知服務品質、整體滿意度三者之間的關係。 研究結果發現(1) 「認知的服務品質」對「整體滿意度」有顯著差異關係;(2)「服務感受」對「整體滿意度」有顯著差異關係,藉由本研究結果可供醫療院所作為改善的方向。


Since 1995 the implementation of Taiwan's National Health Insurance, Government to provide good health care services, so that the medical environment improved a lot, but today's competitive health care environment, people's demand for health care is not only health effect, but also pay attention to medical equipment, good service quality and service attitude of doctors. Therefore, how to improve the medical facilities service processes, improve patient satisfaction with medical institutions to obtain the most comprehensive medical quality, which is every medical institutions need to think about. Therefore, through this research conclusion can help the medical center, by improving the quality of medical services, but also to enhance the competitive advantage to Medical. The study is based on Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry (PZB) service quality SERVQUAL Scale, used in dental clinics in service quality assessment and investigate the effects of related factors of service quality and patient satisfaction, the research object to the dentist Medical Students the importance of service quality and service experience, through questionnaires and references Wan-I Lee1,Ching-Yi and Wu,Chia-Hui Lin (2007) paper by using the PZB service quality to validate and propose five service quality dimensions and 25 items, facets name: "Clinical Services measures "," Clinic to see the doctor should have the conditions "," Physician clinics attitude "," Clinic medical service attitude "," Clinic overall environment "to establish the importance of service experience, cognitive service quality, overall satisfaction with the three relationship between. The results found that (1) "service quality perception" to "overall Satisfaction "There was a significant difference in the relationship; (2)" service experience "for" overall satisfaction "there are significant differences in the relationship, with the results of this research available to health institutions as the direction of improvement.


李婉怡、吳靜怡、林佳慧(2007) 。醫療院所服務品質與顧客滿意之關係探討-以南部某牙聯盟為例,品質學報,14(2),181-195。
