  • 學位論文


Linkage Between the University Social Responsibility (USR) and Regional Revitalization – A Case Study of USR Project from Tainan University of Technology

指導教授 : 劉育釧


聯合國在2015年9月發佈了《翻轉我們的世界:2030 年永續發展方針》,以「經濟成長」、「社會進步」與「環境保護」等三大面向,規畫17項永續發展目標及169項追蹤指標。國際大學校長協會(International Association of University Presidents, IAUP) 則在2016年10月號召全球各大學將17項永續發展目標和公民意識的理念結合教學與研究,並將跨領域的永續發展融入學校中長程發展策略。教育部也在2017年3月將「推動高等教育產學研鏈結,強化大學在地社會責任,發展學校特色,提升學習成效及教學品質」列為高等教育轉型及人才培育發展方向,並開始推動「大專校院社會責任實踐計畫」。行政院則在2018年5月訂定2019年為台灣地方創生元年,並定位為國家安全戰略層級的國家政策。大學社會責任實踐(University Social Responsibility, USR) 成為大學教學研究與地方創生政策之重要連結。 在政府推動地方創生政策前,許多大學已陸續投入「社區總體營造」與「農村再生」,師生投入建立社區文化、凝聚社區共識、建構社區生命共同體。此外,產學合作的推動,一向也是教育部對各大學的重要期許之一。因此,大部分學校對於USR計畫的推動,大多基於以往社區總體營造相關基礎,結合學校發展特色繼續深化。而大學與地方創生政策的結合,也大多透過產學合作方式,輔導在地社區產業進行發展與提升。大學與政府公部門的合作,也多基於委託研究或公開招標承攬的方式,鮮少有大學結合公部門及政策關係人,共同推動政府相關政策的合作模式。 台南應用科技大學於2018年提出「臺南農安樂活好食在」計畫,結合臺南市「新農人」青年返鄉從農政策,從建構在地小農與公部門政策資源連結的觀點出發,聚焦在地小農與地方社區的地方創生需求,提出在地食材安心體系建構、文創加值安心品牌設計、農業安心永續生態系統等具體實施方案,以完備「農民安心栽種」、「市民安心食材」、「青年安心洄游」、「農業安心台南」的永續地方創生體系為目標,獲得教育部通過2017~2018年USR計畫補助。執行過程中連結返鄉青農、在地社區發展協會農會、臺南市政府農業局、農委會水保局等,一方面協助政策落實,同時也讓小農與社區能連結到政府資源。 不同於大部分USR計畫從地方、社區營造的角度出發,「臺南農安樂活好食在」計畫嘗試扮演在地小農、社區與公部門政策連結的橋樑。本研究經由計畫執行觀察及參與者深度訪談,彙整該計畫結合青農返鄉創生議題的相關具體策略實施,並從個案執行過程中,歸納USR計畫結合公部門政策推動的成功關鍵要素與作法;最後,本研究針對「臺南農安樂活好食在」計畫未來執行,以及USR計畫與公部門對接,分別提出建議,期能為USR計畫突破傳統社區營造模式的在地關懷,為大學連結USR與地方創生,開拓另一種可能的發展模式。


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action by United Nations to serve as the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future of the world targeted by 2030. It is emphasized that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. The SDGs have placed particular obligations on higher education. The problem of how universities harness innovation in pursuit of sustainability continues to dominate the agendas of higher education institutions around the world. In 2018, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan officially launch the Higher Education Cultivation Project, with Fulfilling Social Responsibility as one of its four major goals. The purpose of the University Social Responsibility Projects (USR Projects) is to align universities with the future development directions with greater diversity and cultivating high-quality talents. The aims are to strengthen universities’ local connections, encourage teachers/students to meet their social responsibilities, and assist universities in developing students’ individual characteristics. The core values of the USR Projects are local connections and talent cultivation, which provide universities with a people-orientated approach and a focus on local needs to meet their social responsibilities through solving regional problems with humanistic concerns. As most of the USR projects are based upon their previous results and achievement of community empowerment related projects, integration of university, department of government, and stakeholders to enhance the implementation of public policy is rarely discussed. The USR project of “Lohas Living with Agriculture in Tainan”, proposed by Tainan University of Technology, linked with the “New Farmer” policy of Tainan Agriculture Bureau is trying to play the role of bridging the gap between farmers and the public policy. The three major strategies of the project include relieved food promotion system, product and community brand design, and ecosystem construction for agriculture in Tainan. The successful linkage between the university and public department is studied in this thesis. The research results were obtained based on the observations through the planning and execution of this USR project. Interviews for officers of the Tainan Agriculture Bureau and farmers were made and analyzed by the Grounded theory. Results of this research will be very helpful for those USR projects planned to link with public department to enhance the effectiveness of the public policy.




4.台北市文化探索協會作者群(2018),FARM TABLE逛市集,精誠資訊股份有限公司。
