  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship among Product Attribute, Perceived Value and Price Sensitivity for Handmade Soap

指導教授 : 林瑩昭


摘要 近年來由於環保意識抬頭,綠色商品逐漸受到重視,手工皂在台灣如雨後春筍般蓬勃發展,每年創造數億的商機。為了解手工皂的消費情況,本研究採用問卷調查法,施測對象為南部地區某百貨公司之手工皂專櫃樓層消費者,共發放350份問卷,獲得有效問卷332份,可用率為 95%。研究方法以SPSS 12.0進行資料分析。研究結果顯示:1.手工皂消費者「產品屬性」對「價格敏感度」具有顯著負相關,結果為部分成立,其中手工皂消費者對於品質屬性方面越認同時,價格敏感度反而會降低;在功能屬性方面沒有顯著相關;而在行銷屬性方面越認同時,價格敏感度也會相對提升;2.手工皂消費者「知覺價值」對「價格敏感度」具有顯著正相關,結果為部分成立,其中手工皂消費者對於知覺價值的「實用性價值」因素沒有顯著相關;而在「情感性價值」因素有顯著正相關;3.手工皂消費者「產品屬性」對「知覺價值」具有顯著正相關,結果為部分成立;其中影響知覺價值的重要因素為實用性價值,其次為情感性價值;而影響產品屬性的重要因素為品質屬性,依序為功能屬性及行銷屬性;4.個人背景變項對價格敏感度的關係如下:(1)不同性別、不同婚姻狀況的手工皂消費者對「理性價格敏感度」及「感性價格敏感度」方面均沒有顯著差異;(2)不同教育程度、不同年齡、不同收入、不同家庭成員人數的手工皂消費者對「感性價格敏感度」方面有顯著差異;而在「理性價格敏感度」方面均沒有顯著差異。


Abstract In recent year, since the rising awareness of environmental protection, Green products have been gradually taken seriously, handmade soap production is booming in Taiwan with making hundreds of millions for business opportunities every year. In order to understand the consumption status, this study adopted the questionnaire survey, and took consumers at the handmade soap counters of a certain department store in south Taiwan as the testees. 350 copies of questionnaire were sent out and 332 valid copies returned with a 95% availability. SPSS 12.0 was applied to analyze the collected data. The research results showed: 1. For the significant negative correlation between “product attributes” and “price sensitivity” for handmade soap consumers, the result showed a partial approval, where those handmade soap consumers are more recognized with product attribute, the price sensitivity would be reduced; no significant correlation in the functional attribute; as more recognized marketing attribute, their price sensitivity would be increased correspondingly, which indicated consumers did pay a lot of attentions to the price information; 2. For handmade soap consumers’ “perceived value” to “price sensitivity” with a significant positive correlation, the result showed a partial approval, among which there’s no significant correlation between those handmade soap consumers’ perceived value and “utilitarian value”; but in the “emotional value”. That is, when handmade soap consumers have increasing emotional value, the price sensitivity would be increased correspondingly; 3. As the significant positive correlation in handmade soap consumers’ “product attributes” to “perceived value”, the result showed a partial approval; where the key factors impacting the perceived value is the utilitarian value, next is the emotional value; in addition, the key factors impacting the product attributes are product attributes, and they’re functional attribute and marketing attribute consequently; 4. Relationship of personal background variables to the price sensitivity are as follows: (1) Handmade soap consumers with different gender and marriage status have no significant difference in both “rational price sensitivity” and “emotional price sensitivity”; (2) Handmade soap consumers with different educational levels, ages, incomes and family members have a significant difference in “emotional price sensitivity”; but no significant difference in “rational price sensitivity”.


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