  • 學位論文


A Study on J.S. Bach: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 903

指導教授 : 鄭夙娟


巴赫的作品對鋼琴演奏者而言,具有啟發、引導的作用,巴赫對樂曲縝密的寫作,也使他的作品在西洋音樂史上顯得格外重要。巴赫的《半音階幻想曲與賦格》作品九0三一曲,是筆者多年來一直很感興趣的曲目,此曲無論在學習過程、音樂會演出等等場合,都是一首值得挑戰的曲目。 本文以幻想曲的歷史與發展作為開場,在瞭解各個年代幻想曲的發展與特性之後,討論巴赫的《半音階幻想曲與賦格》一曲。此曲為巴赫的大型鍵盤樂作品,曲中使用了許多創新的音樂語言與巴赫高超的作曲技法,透過各個章節的討論,如《半音階幻想曲與賦格》一曲的曲式結構、演奏詮釋等方面來研究。其中曲式、演奏詮釋的部分透過譜例與圖表的協助,來表達筆者對此曲的見解。 本文所有的音樂專業用語翻譯名詞、人名翻譯皆來自:國立編譯館-學術名詞資訊網(http://www.nict.gov.tw/tc/dic/index1.php)。擷選自原版樂譜的譜例,及擷取自書目的文字內容,都在頁面下方以註腳說明其來源,有興趣的讀者,可以追加深入研究。 透過這篇文章,表達了筆者對於此曲的想法,以及筆者對此曲的研究;盼此文能為鋼琴音樂學習者帶來幫助與啟發,對於文中有任何異議之處,也盼讀者與本人討論。


巴赫 半音階 幻想曲


As a pianist, one must have extensive understanding of J.S. Bach’s keyboard works as well as be guided and inspired strongly by these master pieces. The Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, BWV 903 is not only my favorite keyboard repertoire, but also one of Bach’s most important keyboard works. This thesis will discuss in three aspects, which display my thoughts of the piece: the historical background of fantasy, the formal structure of the Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, and issues concerning about interpretation; which is the most valuable part of the article. The interpretation of performance includes music examples, and it deals with issues concerning notation, articulation, performance practice and efficient way of performing polyphony music on keyboard.


Bach chromatic fantasy


Bach, C. P. E. (1949). Essay on the true art of playing keyboard instrument. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Burge, D. (1990). Twentieth-century piano music. New York: Schirmer Books.
Grout, D.J. and Palisca C.V. (2001). A history of western music. (6th ed.). New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
Couperin, F. (1974). The art of playing the harpsichord. (L’Art de toucher le clavecin). (Halford, M. Trans.). New York: Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. (Original Work published 1717).
