  • 學位論文


A Case Research on Entrepreneurship process of Micro Firms in the Cultural & Creative Industry

指導教授 : 劉宗其


知?經濟時代的??,使文化創意產業,成為新經濟的主?典範。而台灣文化創意產業的規模,大多?是以獨資或?人合夥的中小型企業為主。本研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的研究構面,並針對未?微型創業或青?創業者給予建議。本研究發展之命題如下: 一、創業機會部份:創業家的創業動機往往和創業者欲尋求個人內在的滿足有關。對於現有工作的?滿、受到他人的鼓?,以及創業團隊夥伴往往是一群志同道合、相互支持、共同承擔風險的朋友,皆可能為影響創業者?動創業?經,促使創業者走向創業之?之因素。而文化創意產業之創業者先前的工作經驗與創業產業沒有太大的關?性。最後,家人的協助是支持微型創業者創業的重要動?之一。 二、創業家與創業團隊部份:微型創業之創業團隊夥伴往往是由一群志同道合、相互支持、共同承擔風險的朋友所組成的。而新成?的微型創業者在學?程?上有比早期的微型創業者?的高的趨勢。再者如果微型創業者的家庭成員中?有相關創業經驗,則較?孕育出創業家。而微型企業由於人?較少,導致創業初期創業者需具備多角化能?才能維持經營。 三、創業資源部份:由於文化創意產業的每項商品?是創意的表徵,設計者創意的體現,故商品申請專?的比?較低。 四、未?願景部份:微型創業者通常具備積極進取的心態,並有過於常人的判斷?與執??。


As the new generation knowledge economy arrives, cultural and creative industries have become the mainstream model of the modern economy. Cultural and creative industry in Taiwan is mainly composed of sole proprietorship or partnerships of small and medium-sized enterprises. The following research is based on Timmons Model, developed by Timmons in order to analyze the entrepreneurial process a company. The three key driving forces which are examined are opportunity, resource and teamwork. Accompanied by findings from the Timmons Model, this research is also designed to give advice for the future micro-entrepreneurs and young entrepreneurs. Research and development of this proposition is as follows: 一、Entrepreneurial opportunities: The main incentive of entrepreneurial activity is often the perceived improvements for the individual concerned that would follow. Dissatisfaction with the existing work environment, or a desire to lead and encourage others may provide incentive for individuals. A team of entrepreneurs, a group of partners who seeking the same goal, may also support each other and share risks. These factors are likely to be the propellant for entrepreneurs to start enterprises. The relation between the cultural and creative industries and the previous work experience of the industry is not greatly relevant. However, the assistance of family members is also a key factor for supporting micro-entrepreneurs. 二、Entrepreneurs and venture teams: The venture team of micro-business is formed by a group of like-minded, mutually support and risk-sharing friends and colleagues. People who are, at this very moment, establishing micro-entrepreneurs are better-educated than the former ones. Moreover, people with family members who have relevant experiences of micro-entrepreneurs, are more likely to succeed as entrepreneurs. Since the scale of micro-enterprises is smaller, pioneering entrepreneurs need to have the ability to diversify in order to maintain operations in the early stage. 三、Entrepreneurial resources: Since all the product of cultural and creative industries is the manifestation of creative designers, the proportion of goods with patents is lower. 四、The future vision: Micro-entrepreneurs often have a more positive attitude, coupled with a better capacity for execution and judgment, than the general public.


1. 經濟部工業局(2005)。台灣文化創意產業發展年報。台北市。
2. 經濟前瞻(2006)。台灣文化創意產業的發展,第 107 期。台北市。
3. 經濟部工業局(2005)。臺灣文化創意產業發展年報。台北市:文化創業專屬網站。
4. Oscar Hauptman(1986)。科技管理與創業家特質。天下雜誌,2.1,第122頁。台北市。


