  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship between Continuing Educational Needs and Professional Growth of Speech therapists in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張瓊云


摘要 本研究旨在探討不同個人背景因素之語言治療師對繼續教育需求與專業成長的差異性及其關係,本研究採用自編製「語言治療師繼續教育需求與專業成長調查問卷」進行問卷調查,選定登記為台灣聽力語言學會會員之語言治療師為研究對象。共計回收159份有效樣本,回收率為73.95%,問卷施測時間為99年1月10日。 本研究結果發現如下: 1.語言治療師之主要服務場域以醫院為多,佔83.0%。 2.語言治療師近6個月參與研習課程為1-3次;費用以全部自費者為主,佔半數以上(65.4%)。 3.語言治療師參與繼續教育需求類型依序為「語言專業課程研習會」、「語言治療專題、個案演講討論會」及「證照考試課程研習」。 4.語言治療師繼續教育需求分為「參與動機」、「內容需求」、「學習方式」,其中整體分數以參與「學習方式」情形最高,其次為「參與動機」,「內容需求」最低。 5.語言治療師專業成長分為「一般行政能力」、「專業知能」、「專業承諾」,發現整體分數以語言治療師「專業承諾」平均數最高,其次為「專業知能」,最低為「一般行政能力」。 6.語言治療師繼續教育需求會因年齡、工作年資不同而有顯著差異。 7.語言治療師專業成長會因年齡、工作年資不同而有顯著差異。 8.語言治療師繼續教育需求與專業成長間屬於中度相關。 本研究之建議如下: 1.辦理研習課程之相關機構可多舉辦行政類研習,使語言治療師能有效運用行政資源於專業工作上。 2.辦理研習課程之相關機構可多採用及運用網路進修方式以節省研習成本及提高研習效益。 3.應重視不同工作年資的語言治療師繼續教育需求,將研習課程進行分級以持續提升語言治療師之專業成長。


Abstract This research discussed the differences and relationships for further education needs and professional growth of speech therapists with different individual backgrounds. This research adapted the self-developed “Questionnaire for the Continuing Educational Needs and Professional Growth of the Speech Therapists” and conducted the survey. We selected the speech therapists who are registered members of the Taiwan-Hearing-Language-Association as our research target. There were 159 valid questionnaires with the return rate of 73.95%. The questionnaire survey was conducted on January 10, 2010. The research showed the following results: 1.The majority of service locations for speech therapists are hospitals, which is accounted for 83.0%. 2.Speech therapists participation 1 to 3 seminars in the past 6 months, and more than half the covered their own expense (65.4%) 3.The categories of Continuing Educational Needs that these speech therapists participated were “Professional Speech Course Workshop”, “Speech Therapy Topics and Case Study Presentation and Discussion”, and “License Exam Curriculum Studies”. 4.The Continuing Educational Needs of speech therapists would significant difference their work years. 5.The professional growth of speech therapists would greatly differ regarding their ages and work experiences. 6.The Continuing Educational Needs and the professional growth of speech therapists are correlated. The research suggested the following recommendations: 1.The organizations that plan these research seminars could try to host additional administrative seminars for these speech therapists to effectively utilize administrative resources on their professional works. 2.The organizations that plan these research seminars could utilize additional internet education in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency. 3.We should focus more on the different Continuing Educational Needs from speech therapists with different work experience, and organize the courses into various levels in order to advance the professional growth of speech therapist.


