  • 學位論文


A Study on the Impact of Expatriates’ Self-efficacy and Perceived Organizational Support on Cross-cultural Adjustment and Job Performance

指導教授 : 王翊周
共同指導教授 : 蔡忠林(Chung-Lin Tsai)


企業隨著相關業務之全球化發展,國際人力資源管理儼然成為跨國企業最矚目的焦點,而做好國際人力資源管理工作可使國際企業在全球化潮流中,藉由展現靈活適應性,於短時間內擴展規模來獲得極大成功,同時提升國際競爭力。而國際人力資源管理的關鍵即是外派管理,然而對於國際企業而言,外派人員管理是一項巨大且昂貴的挑戰。 特別近期國際上因美國引發全球貿易大戰,導致國際籍企業必須被迫遷移子公司或廠房到其他國家來降低貿易戰衝擊,以尋求更低成本或更大市場的經營利潤與商機;因此外派人員在面臨跨國籍與文化所衍生適應問題則須加以關注。本研究企圖建構一套外派人員之國際人力資源管理模式,以外派人員之跨文化適應為主軸,探究其在面對國際工作環境時,個人因素及認知組織層面因素對跨文化適應所產生之衝擊效應,進而評估其跨國之工作成效,希冀將研究成果提供給相關國際企業規劃人力資源之經營參考。研究發現:1.自我效能對跨文化調適及工作績效具顯著影響力;2.知覺組織支持對跨文化調適及工作績效具顯著影響力;3.跨文化調適對工作績效具顯著影響力;4.跨文化調適在自我效能與工作績效間具顯著中介效果;5.跨文化調適在知覺組織支持與工作績效間具顯著中介效果。


With the global development of the companies’ related businesses, International Human Resource Management has become the focus of attention of multinational companies. Doing a good job in international human resource management can enable international companies to demonstrate flexibility and adaptability in the globalization trend. The scale of companies are expanded within time to achieve great success while enhance international competitiveness. The key to international human resource management is the expatriate management. However, for international companies, the expatriate management is a huge and expensive challenge. Recently, because of the global trade war especially caused by the United States, international companies must be forced to relocate their subsidiaries or factories to the other countries to reduce the impact of the trade war in order to seek lower-cost or larger market operating profits and business opportunities. Thus, the issues must be paid attention of the cross-cultural adjustment for the expatriate. This study attempts to construct a set of international human resource management models for the expatriate with the cross-cultural adaptation for the expatriate as the main axis. It explores the impact effect of the personal and organizational factors for cross-cultural adjustment in the face of the international working environment and then evaluates the effectiveness of the cross-border work. It is hoped for providing research results to relevant international companies to plan the human resources management reference. The major findings were as follows:1.The Self-efficacy has the positive and significant impact on the Cross-cultural Adjustment and Job Performance. 2.The Perceived Organizational Support has the positive and significant impact on the Cross-cultural Adjustment and Job Performance. 3.The Cross-cultural Adjustment has the positive and significant impact on the Job Performance. 4.The Cross-cultural Adjustment has the significant mediating effect between the Self-efficacy and the Job Performance. 5.The Cross-cultural Adjustment has the significant mediating effect between the Perceived Organizational Support and the Job Performance.


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