  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Interpretation of Sonata for Flute Solo in a minor by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

指導教授 : 楊蕙祺


在音樂史的進程中,十八世紀中期的音樂風格正是從巴洛克過渡到古典的一段關鍵時期,也因此被稱為「前古典時期」,不同於巴洛克的華麗效果及複音音樂的精確對位技巧,此時期的音樂逐漸轉換成一種精緻輕巧且令人愉悅的旋律,卡爾.菲利普.艾曼紐.巴赫(Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, 1714-1788),當代多稱呼他為艾曼紐.巴赫,即是本時期最具代表性的音樂家之一。艾曼紐.巴赫的音樂風格建立在巴洛克風格的根基上,但隨著時代氛圍的轉變,他更重視音樂的旋律並表現內在情感,成為該時期以易感風格(Empfindsamer Stil)聞名的音樂巨匠。 長笛在音樂史的發展裡一直都有著重要的地位,但沒有一個年代能像十八世紀中期一般如此重視長笛且為它創作出數量如此豐沛的作品,尤其是在普魯士王國(Königreich Preußen),出現一位在長笛上相當有造詣的國王,艾曼紐.巴赫即在當時的宮廷擔任音樂家,本篇詮釋報告所探討的作品《a小調長笛獨奏奏鳴曲》也是在這段期間所創作的,筆者將報告分為六章,第一章為緒論,提出本報告欲探討的問題,並將研究方法作一概述,第二章為簡介古典前期的社經及時空背景,接著第三章即聚焦在當時音樂風格的研究,第四章進入作曲家生平概述與創作風格的介紹,並簡述《a小調長笛獨奏奏鳴曲》的創作背景,接著第五、六章為這首作品的分析與詮釋,期能藉由本篇報告瞭解這首長笛作品外,也能對於當時音樂環境的不同面向及風格有所認識。


Throughout music history, the mid 18th century has been a monumental era in the transition of music from Baroque to Classical and therefore is also known as the pre- classical period. Unlike the flamboyant style and polyphonic counterpoint skill of Baroque music, the music of the era consisted of delicate and joyful melodies. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach(1714-1788), usually called Emanuel Bach during his life time, is one of the most influential musicians of the time. Due to change in time and environment, Emanuel Bach, grew up in a Baroque background, became more focused on melody and the expression of emotion within. Hence, became known as the music master of the style of Empfindsamer Stil. In the course of history the flute has played a significant role in the development of music. However, no other era has embraced it as the mid 18th century. There were abundant pieces of music written for the flute. Emanuel Bach served as a musician in the court of Kingdom of Prussia (Königreich Preußen) who was exceptional in the art of the flute. The work, “Sonata for Flute Solo in a minor”, is also composed during this time. This paper is written into 6 chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which proposes the issues to be discussed in this paper, and gives an overview of the research methods. The second chapter is an introduction of the social, economic and historical background of the pre- classical period. The third chapter is focused on the study of music style of the time. The fourth chapter is an introduction on the composer’s life and music style, and a background briefing on the composing of “Sonata for Flute Solo in a minor”. Lastly, chapter 5 and 6 are analysis and interpretation of the music piece mentioned above. This paper is written to not only give a better understanding of the music piece specified, but appreciate the different aspects, music environment and style of the time.


Bach, C. P. E. (1949). Essay on the True Art of playing Keyboard Instruments. Trans. & ed. William J. Mitchell. New York, U.S.A: Norton.
Bach, C. P. E. (1997). The Letters of C.P.E Bach. Trans. & ed. Stephen L. Clark. New York, U.S.A: Oxford University Press.
Debost, Michel (2002). The Simple Flute. New York, U.S.A: Oxford University Press.
