  • 學位論文


To undergo treansformation -The Painting Creation Concepts of Yun-ching Huang

指導教授 : 唐榮曉


衍‧變 ─ 黃筠晴繪畫創作論述 研究生:黃筠晴 指導教授:唐榮曉 台南科技大學美術系研究所 摘 要 本研究在於探討著關於生命的本質性、生命存在的意義、思想演變的可能性。探尋內在自我之藝術創作,研究方向關注與思考著關於生命意象的衍生‧蛻變的所有可能性的現象,以及思考生命裡人的思想演變與思維進程、進而詮釋生命和時間性的歷程、與探究生命與自然環境的微妙互存關係。 關於生命與思想的探討為衍‧變系列創作研究之主要方向。並將從創作者個人創作生命的源起與創作脈絡來支持此創作研究論述: 一、 探尋生命存在的本質與意義 。 二、 思考生命中思想演變的可能性 。 三、 探究生命與自然環境間的互存關係。 本創作研究以存在主義、表現主義美學、抽象表現主義、大自然幾何美學碎行理論之學理基礎來呼應作品,及相關藝術參考文獻為充實此創作研究論述,並以前輩藝術家之創作思想與相關創作表現形式來尋探創作上可能的脈絡足跡。 研究中創作者以生命的圖騰意象、抽象的表現意境、個人的繪畫語言、現代藝術的觀感、也提供了關注當代環境反思議題等研究素材。創作者在研究中透過藝術相關創作理論與自我創作思想表現,進行此論述的研究與整合。 誠如本創作研究過程,期望以生命與環境系列作品能呼籲社會大眾有所反思,積極重視環保與保育環境。而在本研究作品呈現了自己的藝術創作語言,自我藝術思想呈現新境、反映當代,也將建立了自我創作風格的個人美學觀。


To undergo treansformation: The Concepts of Painting Creation from Yun-ching Huang Graduate:Yun-ching Huang Advisor:Jung-hsiao Tang Graduate Institute of Fine Arts Tainan University of Technology ABSTRACT This study looks into the nature of life,the meaning of existence and the possibilities for the transformation of thought. The subject of this investigation is the living image of evolution and transformation. The goal is to discover the inner self as an artistic creation and consider the revolution and process of human thoughts and further to explain the journey of life and time. To do this we must also explore the symbiotic relationship between life and the natural environment. The main concept for creating the Undergo Transformation series is to explore the life and thoughts: First:To discover the nature and meaning of existence. Second:To deliberate the possibilities of transformation of thought in the course of a life. Third:To explore the relationship between life and natural environment. The creation research is based on the basic theories such as Existentialism,Expressionism,Abstract Expressionism,and Fractal Geometry so as to correspondence to the work,while referring to the related art documentary to enhance the concepts and expand possible track with conception of senior artist and performance. In this series,the painter uses the totem images of life,abstract artistic concepts,individual expressions and the viewpoint from the modern arts to provide the material for contemporary environmental subjects’ discussion. By adopting related artistic theory and individual philosophy thinking the painter can process the study and integration. During the process of this creation,I intend to make the public think through the Life and Environmental work series and pay attention to the protection and preservation of the environment. In this study,I present my own artistic communication,personal concepts in a new stage to reflect contemporary as well as an already established personal creation style.


1. 劉思量 (2004) 藝術心理學。台北:藝術家出版社。
2. 高宣揚 (1996) 當代藝術的不確定性。台北:唐山出版社。
3. 胡幼慧 (2006) 質性研究。台北:巨流圖書有限公司。
