  • 學位論文


The Study of Bridal Styling Decision-Making and the Work Demand for Bridal Secretary

指導教授 : 王 婉 馨


結婚新人受網路資訊流暢影響,對於選擇結婚相關事宜更有自己一套想法與看法。台灣早期結婚髮型梳成圓髻披紅巾,以「挽面」象徵新婦,用鳳仙花染指甲,穿三寸繡花弓鞋,穿著鳳冠霞帔,歷經五十年才被白色婚紗所取代。著重個人化服務的新娘秘書行業的崛起與傳統婚紗攝影公司的存在,更是提供新人更多的婚紗造型選擇。因此,本研究之研究目的,為瞭解台灣新娘婚紗整體造型設計演變過程,並進而探討台灣新娘秘書工作者之專業造型成長需求。 本研究以質性研究為主,以一對一半結構式訪談法進行資料蒐集,進而深入瞭解新娘秘書從事婚紗造型的經驗。訪談研究結果發現新娘子通常選擇一套白紗禮服和二套晚禮服。新娘秘書以新人的身材比率、外型特徵、婚宴環境、穿著和言談瞭解其所好,設計屬於新人風格的白紗造型,配合髮型、飾品與頭紗呈現整體造型。另外,新娘秘書使用的髮型造型,頭髮採全盤、半盤或全部放下。髮飾品多數採用皇冠,並以自行再設計加工的方式展現個人風格。彩妝造型方面則採用大地色系的自然妝感,但須配合個人條件、喜好和時間來調整妝感。在指甲彩繪部份新娘秘書僅提供指甲油,法式指甲可搭配各式禮服。傳統家庭受到婆婆和媽媽的影響,宜挑選紅色系列包頭鞋。捧花由禮服公司所提供,多數選擇玫瑰花,含意代表愛情幸福,其造型以圓型及水滴型居多。 新娘秘書在工作上面臨的問題是新進的新娘秘書為了在短期內取得客源,以削價競爭影響原有行情。其工作需求則需瞭解本身專業技能優勢,加強補其不足的部份,提供新人更周全的專業服務。吸收時尚流行資訊及傳統習俗,以建立工作者的口碑進而長久經營。 建議未來研究方向,可規劃瞭解北部或台灣其他區域的新娘秘書工作者的專業造型成長需求。另外也建議深入探討針對二年年資以下的新娘秘書工作者之工作需求,以提供就業適應與解決困難的方案。


With the abundant internet information, would-be newlyweds nowadays have their own ideas about what’s involved in arranging a wedding. In early times of Taiwan, brides used to have a topknot with a red veil on their heads covering their face. They would receive the face threading care which symbolized the start of a new life, have their fingernails dyed with impatiens, as well as wore 3-inch high embroidered shoes and phoenix coronet. Such a custom was replaced by white wedding dress 50 years later. Besides, the boom of personalized bridal secretary service and the continuous existence of traditional wedding photography companies provide even more choices for wedding styling. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze the evolution of the bridal styling and discover the needs for the professional bridal secretaries in Taiwan. This was a qualitative study, the one-on-one semi-structured interviews was used to collect information in order to better understand working experiences of the bridal secretary. The research result found that brides usually choose one white wedding dress and two evening gowns; bridal secretaries get to know the brides’ preferences based on their body figure, appearance, wedding venue environment, dressing habit, and their explanation. They then design a wedding styling in the appropriate design with the matching hairstyle, accessories, and veil. In addition, the bridal hairstyles include: updos, half up and half down and long hair styles. The hair accessories are mostly well-designed wedding tiaras, which, coupled with some personalized design, always make newlyweds stand out in a crowd. The make-up tends to be earth tone that looks perfectly natural, but it needs to be adjusted according to the newlywed’s appearance, III preference, and time limit of the wedding ceremony. Bridal secretaries only provide nail polish for nail painting and the French nail is favorable as it suits many kinds of wedding dress. Affected by the preference of mother and mother-in-law, traditional families also prefer red shoes. Wedding companies will offer bridal bouquets for brides. In general, people prefer roses for wedding bouquets that are round or water drop shaped as roses symbolized love and happiness. One of the difficulties encountered by bridal secretaries is that new bridal secretaries try to get more customers by offering a lower price, which might lead to a lower fee-charge standard in this industry. Bridal secretaries have to enhance their expertise and overcome the shortcomings to provide more comprehensive wedding services in all aspects; bridal secretaries also have to catch up with the latest fashion news and understand traditional customs for sustainable management. It is suggested that future research could focus on the needs of bridal secretaries in northern Taiwan and other regions. Second, is to understand the job demands of bridal secretaries who have worked for less than two years and the result could be helpful for job adaption or as a reference for problem solving.


2.李玉瑛(2004)。裝扮新娘-當代台灣婚紗業的興起與發展歷史。逢田人文社會學報,第8 期, 184-217。
