  • 學位論文


The Influence of Body Image and Health Belief for Exercise on Participation Behavior of the Senior Person

指導教授 : 黃建文


「人口高齡化」是近代先進國家所面臨的重大問題,面對我國老年人口在數量和比率上持續增加的趨勢,高齡者的相關議題也日益受到重視。每個人都很注重自己的身體意象,例如女性注重自己身體胖瘦程度,而男性則注重身體是否健壯。但銀髮族對自己的身體意象則注重在健康。想要達到健康目的,除了飲食上的控制之外,運動是相當重要的一環,因為經由規律的運動,產生身體的移動或卡路里的消耗,則會對個人生理及心理有實質上的益處,並可促進個人身體健康。根據上述,本研究認為面對未來社會將面臨超高齡社會之可能變化,銀髮族之自身對於健康以及運動的觀念,是值得努力與研究的論題。 本研究採用問卷調查法,將問卷於大台南地區之巴克禮公園、台南公園、水萍薀公園;臺南市中西區、北區、南區、東區之社區活動中心及私人復健診所進行發放,分別為早上六點至十點、下午三點至晚上七點,抽樣方法採取立意抽樣法。凡是在這二個時間點上,且在公園裡活動之65歲以上民眾,皆為本研究之研究對象。 研究結果發現,銀髮族之身體意象對其運動參與行為有顯著正向影響;銀髮族之健康信念對其運動參與行為有顯著正向影響。在不同人口變項對身體意象、健康信念以及運動參與行為之差異方面,研究發現,銀髮族之教育程度在身體意象中「外表評價」方面,教育程度為高中職以下的銀髮族比教育程度為專科/大學之銀髮族更重視自身的外表評價方面;另外教育程度方面也在健康信念中「採納建議運動可能性」方面,教育程度為高中職以下的銀髮族比教育程度為專科/大學之銀髮族採納建議運動的可能性大。


The aging population is a major problem for the advanced countries. With increasing of the aging population, the phenomenon of aging has become one of the important issues in Taiwan. Everyone attaches their body image seriously, such as women pay attention about fat or thin and men will pay attention on whether an active and fitness body, but the senior person focuses on physical health. In addition to the diet, the most important is doing exercise. Because through regular exercise, resulting in movement or calorie consumption of the body, will be on the individual physiological and psychological benefits substantially, and promote personal health. Based on the above, this study suggests that the future society will face possible changes in the super aged society, senior person of their own health and for the concept of movement, is worth the effort and research topics. This study used questionnaires. Respectively, the questionnaire is paying at three different time, 6-10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., in the Tainan Central City.The sampling methods take purposive sampling method. All over 65 and activities at those timeare the subjects of this study. Research results showed that body image of senior person has significant positive impact on exercise participation behavior; health beliefs of senior person has significant positive impact on exercise participation behavior. In terms of different demographic variables on body image, health beliefs and behavior of the differences involved in sports, studies have found that education level of senior person "appearance evaluation" in terms of body image in post high school education or less than the education level Senior person college / university pay more attention to their appearance evaluation; another educational attainment are healthy belief in "the possibility of adopting the recommendations sports" aspect, post high school education or less educated than senior person of the silver-haired college / university the possibility of movement of large family to adopt the recommendations.


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