  • 學位論文


How happiness affect leisure participation?

指導教授 : 鄭亦君


在台灣人口進入金字塔的時代,即老年人人口越來越多,而年青人卻越來越少的時代下,老年人應如何自處因而成為未來社會中重要的議題。「活到老,學到老」不僅僅是一種口號,更是中、老年人未來適應少子化趨勢之應變措施之一,即「活到老,學到老」可加強中、老年人與社會的連結,也能在少子現象下,增加自我的適應能力。「活到老,學到老」可泛指中、老年人所參與的休閒活動,如社區活動、學校進修、宗教活動、居家生活等。 依據Carstensen et al. (1999)對幸福感的研究,其發現依「時間聚焦(Temporal focus)」可將幸福感分為「興奮」或「平靜」的幸福感。而年齡對於幸福感而言,是一個潛在的心理因素,因為,年輕人擁有較長遠的未來時間,對於未來充滿願景與期待,時間聚焦會落在較為「興奮」的幸福感;而老年人則認為時間有限,應把握當下,享受現在才是最重要,時間聚焦則會落在較為「平靜」的幸福感。因此,老年人將幸福感定義為「平靜」的比例高於年輕人;相對的,年輕人將幸福感定義為「興奮」的比例則高於老年人。 本研究擬探討中、老年人的幸福感與休閒活動參與之間的關係,可提供長青機構在經營方針上的建議,亦可提供家中有中、老年人的家庭,如何協助長者安排休閒活動、培養生活樂趣,不但可減輕子女的精神負擔,更可讓家中的中、老年人活得更快樂、更有尊嚴。


Taiwan is entering the global trend of population pyramid change, elderly increasing more and more and young people decreasing less and less. Due to this trend, how elderly should face and deal with the future society becomes an important issue. “Live longer, Learn longer” is not just a slogan, it is one of the contingency plans to prepare for the future trend of declining birthrate. Therefore the idea behind the slogan and the connection between elderly and society is highly significant. Also, self-adaptability needs to be strengthened under the population pyramid change. “Live longer, Learn longer” generally refers to all the leisure activities that elderly people involve in, such as community activities, school education, religious activities, home life, etc. A study of happiness according to Carstensen et al. (1999), temporal focus can be divided into two senses of happiness, “excitement” or “peacefulness”. The sense of happiness according to age depends on psychological factors. This is because young people have longer time span to look forward to the future, therefore the temporal focus is a sense of excitement. Whereas the future time span for elderly is shorter and the present time becomes more important, so their temporal focus is a sense of peacefulness. As a result of this, elderly people feel more “peaceful” than young people, and young people feel more “excitement” towards happiness than elderly. This paper will discuss the relationship between sense of happiness and leisure activities that elderly people engage in. The discussed issues can be used as guides to help business plans of nursing homes and retirement institutions. Not only that but the discussion may help to reduce the stress of family members by suggesting how to arrange leisure activities for the elderly for better and happier life style for everyone.


happiness leisure activity middle age elderly




