  • 學位論文


A Study of Creating Shared Value: As example of Business Model for Fashion Industry

指導教授 : 王翊周


近年來,眾多國際時尚品牌紛紛前來台灣設立分店。這些國際品牌的發展已經達到大眾需求或是創造大眾渴求的現象,為“商品”。而這些“商品”是作為當前“熱門”和“流行”的意識指標。 有趣的是,在於追求國際時尚界是高消費或是奢華時尚的設計品牌有預算限制,然而大多數人都無法花一大筆錢購買這些高單價的商品。因此,興起平價品牌;如ZARA、H&M和其他同類型的品牌。這些品牌,不僅能夠提供更便宜的價格與相似設計的高奢華商品。他們以“快時尚”為核心市場策略,經營理念以“低價且快速”在國際上拓展自己的市場版圖。換句話說,消費者可以以更便宜的價格購買到類似於高級時裝設計的產品,透過快速運送上架幾乎每個星期門市都有新品上市,不只能吸引消費者不斷上門消費之外,同時也能使消費者對於商品保持著新奇度。 然而,大眾在追求低價且快速時尚,同時也製造許多問題。例如,企業的體制問題,社會和環境問題等,這些問題將在各個案例進行研究調查。此外,這些問題不僅存在於時裝業,其他領域的行業也可能存在著相似的問題。因此,大家應該承認企業社會責任(CSR)的重要性。企業在創造股東價值的同時也要回饋於社會,而CSV就是跳脫過去只捐錢或捐物資的模式,由企業生產商品的同時也是解決社會的問題。 本論文使用質性研究方法,這個方法包括藉由文獻的探討與訪談、進行資料的分析及透過個案探討與專家意見的收集,並定義研究的問題和進行個案探討及歸納出個案屬於哪一種企業模式(CSV是創造共享價值、SE是社會企業、CSR是社會企業責任),再進行文獻的回顧與驗證,進行資料的連結、比較、歸納和說明各企業是如何實行CSV、SE、CSR。 本論文將企業分成四類,1.解決社會問題並以賺錢為目的、2.解決社會問題但不以賺錢為目的、3.沒有解決社會問題但有賺錢、4.沒有解決社會問題也沒賺錢。第一型將其歸納為CSV、第二型可歸納為社會企業、第三型可歸納為一般企業、第四型為經營不善的一般企業。藉由這四種企業在企業本質、社會影響與企業運作三個面向的比較,探討企業如何關注社會的使命與願景、企業對社會的貢獻、成果和如何與社會聯繫達到企業的永續經營,期待能夠對未來企業的經營做出建議與貢獻。


In Recent years, many international fashion brands have come to Taiwan to set up branch stores. The blooming of the branches has either met the public demand or created a phenomenon of public craving for the “it-items”. The “it-items” as in the sense of the current “hot” and “popular” items. The most interesting issue in the pursuing of the international fashion industry is the consumption of the high or luxurious fashion brand’s design with limited budget. Most people are unable to spend a great sum of money in those items. Therefore, brands such as, Zara, H&M and other similar brands emerged. These brands are not only able to supply the public with the similar design to high luxurious brands in a cheaper price, but also with their core market strategy, “Fast-Fashion”. They have expanded their market territory internationally with the concept “Cheap and Fast”. In other words, people can get similar to high fashion designed items with cheaper price, and almost every week, there are new product released in the branch stores to intrigue the consumer with the freshness of the new items. However, the public pursues of the Cheap and Fast Fashion has created many problems. For example, the institutional problems of the enterprises, social and environmental problems bubbled up. These issues will be investigated in each case study. In addition, the emerged problems are found not only in the fashion business, but also other field of industries. Hence, the public should acknowledge the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and the motive to be further examined in this dissertation. Enterprises should give something back to the society while they are creating profits for themselves. The idea of CSV is that, differ from the previous pattern of donating money or items, the enterprises solve certain social problems through the production of the goods. Qualitative research method is used in this paper, which includes literature review, interviews, data analysis, case study and expert opinion collection. After defining the research question, using four different fashion enterprises as cases study to find out which patterns (CSV,SE,CSR) they belong to. SE is Social Enterprise in this context. Finally, to review and verify the literature, linking, comparing and inducting the data in order to show the implantation of CSV, SE and CSR. This paper is divided into four categories of enterprises, 1. To solve social problems and making benefit for the purpose, 2. To solve social problem, but not making benefit for the purpose, 3. Not solving social problems, but making benefit for the purpose 4. Not solving social problems without making benefit. The first type will be summarized into a CSV, the second type can be grouped into Social Enterprises, the third type can be grouped into general business, and the fourth type is generally poorly managed enterprises. Comparing these four type of companies in three dimension of the nature of business, social impact and business operations. This paper discusses how companies focus on the mission and vision of society, social ties and contribution. By doing this, the paper attempts to provide suggestions and contributions to further the knowledge.


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