  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Interpretation of Prokofiev’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 19

指導教授 : 林育誠


俄國作曲家普羅高菲夫(Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev, 1891-1953)於一九一七年完成《D大調第一號小提琴協奏曲,作品十九》,這部作品以「慢、快、慢」三個樂章構成,顛覆傳統的音樂架構。作曲家運用了獨特的創作語法和技巧,成功營造出新的音樂張力。 本詮釋報告為普羅高菲夫《D大調第一號小提琴協奏曲,作品十九》之分析與詮釋,筆者希望藉由了解樂曲的創作背景與特色,能夠讓自己在演奏上更加貼近作曲家的想法,並能更理想的詮釋此樂曲。 此詮釋報告共分為五章:第一章「緒論」,包含「研究動機與目的」、「研究方法與步驟」及「研究架構」;第二章「普羅高菲夫」,探討普羅高菲夫之生平與音樂風格;第三章為普羅高菲夫「《D大調第一號小提琴協奏曲,作品十九》之創作背景與樂器配置」;第四章為普羅高菲夫「《D大調第一號小提琴協奏曲,作品十九》之分析與詮釋」;第五章為「結語」,總結詮釋報告之心得。


Russian composer Sergey Sergeyevich Prokofiev (1891-1953) completed the "Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 19" in 1917. The work consists of three movements in the order of "slow, fast, slow" respectively, which is a departure from the traditional concerto structure. Prokofiev applies unique harmonic language and compositional techniques to successfully create a new musical tension. This report is a study of Prokofiev's "Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 19". Through the process of examining the compositional background and analyzing the characteristics of the piece I hope to gain more knowledge of the work and to perform the piece as close to composer's intention as possible. The report includes four chapters: the first chapter states the motive, purpose, research process and method of the paper. The second chapter includes Prokofiev's musical life and compositional style, as well as an overview of his compositions. The third chapter provides compositional background and the instrumentation of Prokofiev's "Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 19". The fourth chapter provides an analysis and ways of interpretations of the work. The fifth chapter concludes the report.


一. 中文
古特曼(著)白瓦承(譯)(1999)。偉大的西方音樂家傳記叢書 普羅科菲耶夫。南京:江蘇人民出版社。
托瑪斯•希帕爾戈斯(著)葛斯(譯)(2009)。羅沃爾特音樂家傳記叢書 普羅科菲耶夫。北京:人民音樂出版社。
邵義強等(編)(1995)。音樂巨匠 普羅高菲夫。台北:文庫出版社。
