  • 學位論文


City.Viewing and Thinking— The Creative Research of Ink Painting by Chih-wei Hung

指導教授 : 張振輝


本創作論述主要以都市空間為題材。藉由觀察現代都市空間的種種現象與理論,形成自己的觀點。最後將具體的視覺經驗,以及對於歷史、文化、社會等議題的思考,投射於創作實踐中,完成「都市‧觀想」系列創作。 第一章是緒論。首先闡明筆者面對當今都市環境變化所引發的研究動機與目的,並說明創作、研究的方法、範圍、限制。第二章是相關學理探討。以列斐伏爾三維空間理論以及班雅明的都市觀看理論,探討都市多元的概念。接著分析中、西繪畫中的空間表現,以及當代藝術家的都市創作,整理出都市在當代創作中的樣貌。 第三章為創作理念與形式。先介紹此創作研究的概念源起,並釐清創作中都市和觀想的定義,接著陳述創作的表現形式與技巧。第四章是作品分析。分別就三個系列:《路線》、《遊移》、《夜色異境》提出理念說明及表現分析。第五章是結論。將此創作研究的學術理論與創作成果,加以統合,作為此研究之結論。 本文由探討都市空間與都市生活的變異開始,引發視覺的感官經驗,進而與筆者的水墨創作達成聯結。透過整個研究過程,讓最後的創作與論述能反映都市的時代面貌,並對我們所處的時代做出回應。


This research mainly focuses its theme on the urban space by observing a myriad of phenomena and theories of modern urban space. The specific visual experience, as well as the contemplation on historical, cultural, social and other issues, is projected in the serial works "City‧Viewing and Thinking". An introduction is presented in the first chapter, explaining the motive and purpose of research induced by the changes of today's urban environment. In addition, the research methods, scope, and limits are also discussed in this chapter. The second chapter discusses the relevant theoretical frameworks. A diverse urban concept is discussed in relation to Lefebvre three-dimensional space theory and the theory of Benjamin urban watch. Then an outline of cityscape on contemporary creation is presented by analyzing how space is expressed in Western and Eastern paintings, as well as the works of contemporary artists. The third chapter discusses the ideas and forms of creation. The origin of the concept for this research and creation is presented first. The definitions of urban and visualization are also discussed. Then, the forms and techniques of the creation is presented. The fourth chapter analyzes the works, discussing the philosophy of and techniques used on the three series "Line", "Shift", "Night Different Contexts." A conclusion is drawn in Chapter Five, which discusses how the academic theories are applied in creation these works. This paper begins with discussing the changes in urban space and urban life, which trigger visual sensory experience, and then reflected on the researcher’s creation of ink paintings. Through the entire course of the study, the final creation and discussion reflect the city's contemporary looks, and respond to the age we live in.


