  • 學位論文


The Thought and Forms on Life Procreation

指導教授 : 張振輝


創作初期主要依「生殖」是生命延續的必經過程,跟據此想法作發想,隨著創作歷程之演進,此單純想法也成了引信,經由創作而內觀出不同之思維空間與心境感受。此論述之摘要如下: 一、創作動機:以「母性」的角度,表達對「生命延續」的感動與想法。 二、理論基礎:探討分析「動、植物形態學」,因動、植物之「形態」與「構造」,早已被為人母的筆者,以「符號」、「形態」以及「潛意識」等諸多影響、主導下,借以表現在作品中,而作品之意涵,也為延續原本此動、植物所具有之象徵意義,例如:石榴多籽、瓜瓞綿綿或是蝌蚪繁化……等符號喻意。 三、創作之形式:以「立體雕塑」、「半立體」與「平面繪畫」述說,心中對「生命繁衍」之想法,例如:對宇宙大地生育萬物的景仰、傳達母性關於「永續傳承」、「多子多孫多福氣」的偉大與喜悅、以及心境轉換進入佛家「頓悟」、「無礙」、「超脫」等心情。 四、代表作品解析:一位平凡母親,藉創作表達關於「生命延續」的種種思維,筆者將作品依完成之先後順序,分成四個系列主題,此系列主題,除了表達對「生命繁衍」的不同看法外,也為筆者創作歷程中之心境轉變。 五、結論與未來創作方向:透過創作體會出,只有「愛」才最完美、最真實,有了「愛」才會生生不息、欣欣向榮,也確立了未來創作努力之方向,即為繼續延續此體會,展現如果沒有「愛」,便不會有「生」,唯有「愛」及「生」,才能夠顯現入眼,盡是愛的天地、愛的美好與愛的人生。


Procreation is the essential process of life continuation and the theme of the painter’s early period creations. With the progression and experience accumulation of the painter’s artistic creation, such simple thought becomes the catalyst and various thinking/reception are also developed. The discourse can be summarized as follows: A. The motive of creation: express the affection and ideas toward life procreation from the point of view as a mother. B. Theoretical basis: to explore and analyse animals/plants morphology as the painter has added these elements into her artistic creation under the influence of symbols, formations and sub-consciousness. The implication of the artistic creations is also the extension of these animals and plants’ symbolic meanings. For example, pomegranates’ seeds, the thriving harvest of melons and tadpoles’ proliferation all carry symbolic metaphors in the painter’s works. C. The forms of creations: express the idea on life reproduction through media such as sculptures, embossment and paintings. For example, the earthly mother’s cultivation on God’s creations shows a mother’s admiration on the greatness of the nature and the delight on the traditional values such as perpetual inheritance and good fortune of plenty of sons/grandsons. Such comprehensions further transform to the spirit of Buddhism and the painter experiences the state of mind such as the awakening in a flash of insight, no hindrance and detached from the restraint of the world. D. The analysis of representative works: an ordinary mother expresses the idea about life reproduction with her artistic creation. The painter shows her works in four series followed by the order of works’ completion. Except for showing the thoughts on life reproduction, the transition of the painter’s mental state of mind can also be seen through her artistic creation career. E. Conclusion and future prospect: come to the understanding that only love is perfect and true through creation. Lives thriving and continuous reproduction can only exist with love which helps the painter confirm the direction of her future prospect on creation. With such understandings, the creations deliver the conviction of no love, no lives; only love could draw people’s attentions and allow them to see the world full of love, happiness and goodness.


謝東山(2006)。《藝術批評學》,頁221。台北市:藝術家出版社。 2006年。ISBN: 978-986-7034-20-5。

