  • 學位論文

記憶- 片段與反覆之間

Memory- in between Fragments and Repetitions

指導教授 : 林鴻文


創作過程中我們總是會有些迷惘,似乎是看清了自己但其實什麼都不知道。本論述以Black on Black系列為主軸,Black on Black系列是利用版畫的技巧將影像印製在紙張上。印製的反複與繁複,影像的真實與心中的回憶之間,自身精神與情緒矛盾。作品記錄著創作歷程中所遇到的瓶頸,在書寫的過程中慢慢釐清作品的本質與自己的連結。 將分為七個章節作為說明, 一、 始:如何開始 二、 如一種靈媒物,潛入他們的眼中:過程中遇到的瓶頸 三、 攝影是慾望的延伸:探討影像記憶 四、 鏡框之外: 分析影像與自我 五、 身體力行:剖析反覆與行為 六、 不真實的記憶:討論攝影與現實 七、 結:總結


In the process to create art we often get lost. It seems like we have some knowledge about ourselves, but truth is, we don’t. This paper focuses on the Black on Black series. The Black on Black series uses printmaking techniques to print photographs on black paper. These artworks tell the story of the contradiction of mental and physical, the repetition and complexity of printmaking, and how the printing process affect me, the artist. The prints question the authenticity of photos: what it real? Is it our memories or is it photography? This article records how I try to clarify it. It will be divided into seven chapters for illustration: I. Introduction II. “Like a spiritual medium, dive into their eyes”: The struggle III. Photography is an extension of desire: An exploration of image memory IV. Outside the Frame: Analyzing Images and the Self V. Unreal memories: Discussing photography and reality VI. Practice: Analysis of repeated actions


1. 劉其偉. (2000). 《現代繪畫基本理論》 (第 二版增訂 版). 台北市:雄獅圖書股份有限公司.
2. 黃寶萍。《台灣當代美術大系媒材篇-身體與行為藝術》。(2003)。台北市:行政院文化建設委員會。
3. 徐冰。《我的真文字》。初版。(2017)香港:香港中文大學

