  • 學位論文


A Study of Brand Management and Brand Equity in Liberal Arts and Science Programs for Cram Schools in Taichung City

指導教授 : 賴清標


本研究旨在探討台中市文理補習班品牌經營與品牌權益之現況與關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,以台中市文理補習班設立人為研究對象進行普查,有效樣本計有356份。研究工具為研究者自編之「台中市文理補習班品牌經營與品牌權益之研究問卷」,以描述統計、獨立樣本t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 積差相關及多元逐步迴歸進行分析。根據所得資料分析結果,獲致結論如下: 一、台中市文理補習班品牌經營之情形良好,其中以「品牌文化塑造」最好,而以「品牌行銷組合」較差。 二、台中市文理補習班品牌權益之情形良好,其中以「品牌知覺」最好,而以「品牌專利」較差。 三、不同背景變項補習班及設立人在品牌經營上有差異 (一)不同性別設立人在品牌經營整體上沒有差異。 (二)「高中(職)」學歷設立人品牌經營整體上高於「專科」、「大學」及「研究所(含碩博士)」。 (三)從業年資「16年以上」設立人品牌經營整體上高於「6~10年」、「11~15 年」。 (四)成立時間「11年以上」補習班品牌經營整體上高於「4~6年」。 (五)開設班別為「國小」的補習班品牌經營整體上高於「國中」及「國中小」。 (六)學員人次越多的補習班品牌經營整體上高於「100人以下」。 四、不同背景變項補習班在品牌權益上有差異 (一)成立時間「7~10年」的補習班在品牌權益整體上高於「3年以下」、「4~6年」。 (二)開設班別為「國小」、「其他」類的補習班在品牌權益整體上高於「國中」及「國中小」。 (三)學員人次越多的補習班在品牌權益整體上高於「100人以下」。 五、補習班品牌經營與品牌權益具有正相關。 六、補習班品牌經營對品牌權益有預測力,且以「品牌識別設計」對品牌權益最具預測力。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the existing conditions of and the relationships between brand management and brand equity in liberal arts and science programs for cram schools in Taichung City. Questionnaire survey was used in the study. The subjects were selected from all the liberal arts and science programs for cram schools in Taichung City. There were 356 valid samples. The research tool was a self-made “Questionnaire of Brand Management and Brand Equity in Liberal Arts and Science Programs for Cram Schools in Taichung City”. The data were analyzed by using such statistical methods as the average, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Pearson’s production-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regressions. Based on the result of the study, conclusions were drawn as follows: 1.The brand management practice in liberal arts and science programs for cram schools in Taichung City reached above average, and among all, the “Brand Culture Shape” had the best performance, but it was poor in the “Brand Marketing Matrix.” 2.The brand equity practice in liberal arts and science programs for cram schools in Taichung City reached above average, and among all, the “Brand Perceived Quality” had the best performance, but it was poor in the “Brand Patents.” 3.Significant differences among various variables in the brand management were found. 4.Significant differences among various variables in the brand equity were found. 5.High positive correlations existed between the brand management and brand equity in liberal arts and science programs for cram schools in Taichung City. 6.The brand management could be used effectively to predict the brand equity, and among all, the “brand identity design” ranked first to predict the brand equity.


brand equity cram school brand management


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