  • 學位論文


A study on the relationship between organization commitment, job strain and job satisfaction of hospital employees

指導教授 : 洪錦墩


目的:醫院員工之工作滿意度愈高更能提供優質服務,使病患對該醫院之服務品質感知愈佳,而影響員工工作滿意度因素甚多,除個人基本特質外也包含組織承諾、工作壓力與工作滿意度等三個構面。本研究希望透過結構方程模式分析影響員工工作滿意度的相關因素,提供管理階層從事經營決策與規劃之參考,促使醫療機構管理更能符合員工期望,以提升員工服務品質與效能。 方法:以中部某區域級醫院全體員工為研究對象,共發放1,701份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷908份,有效回收率為53.38%。統計方法包括建構效度之驗證性因素分析,使用描述性統計分析以瞭解實際情況,並運用獨立t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析瞭解其相關影響因素,最後以結構方程模式分析構面之路徑關聯性。 結果:組織承諾平均得分為3.11±.61分,工作壓力平均得分為3.50±.52分,工作滿意度平均得分為3.01±.56分。控制其他因素後,獨立影響工作滿意度的顯著相關因素有員工組織承諾、工作壓力、性別、年齡、職務別;醫療機構員工組織承諾對工作滿意度具有顯著正向影響,工作壓力對組織承諾具有負向影響,工作壓力會透過組織承諾負向間接影響工作滿意度。 結論:不同個人特質對組織承諾、工作壓力與工作滿意度有顯著性差異;工作壓力與工作滿意度有負向的間接關係,並且於迴歸分析得知控制了年齡、性別、職務別等個人特徵後,發現組織承諾高、工作壓力低之員工也有相對較高的工作滿意度。因此,降低工作壓力,強化組織承諾有助於增加工作滿意度,更能使醫療機構服務品質提昇與永續經營發展。


Object: The higher job satisfaction of medical staff have, the better service they can provide. It makes patients have better feelings about the medical service quality. In addition to the basic characteristics of individuals, there are plenty of factors to affect the staff’s job satisfaction. They are including three important dimensions: organization commitment, job strain and job satisfaction. This study expects that it, through structural equation modeling, analyzes the factors and the impact on the employee’s job satisfaction. In order to make the medical management fit to the staff’s expectations and enhance the service quality and the performance of employees, that provides the reference for the business management in policy-choosing and decision-making. Method: This is a case study of a certain regional hospital in central Taiwan, 1,701 questionnaires issued. 908 valid questionnaires were retrieved and effective retrieved rate of 53.38% , except the invalid ones. Statistical methods are including the confirmatory factor analysis of the construct validity, descriptive unvaried analysis which is used to understand the actual situation. Independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, regression analysis are applied to understand the related factors. The last one is structural equation modeling analysis, analyzing the path dimensions relevance. Result: The average score for organizational commitment is 3.11 ± .61 points, job strain is 3.50 ± .52 points, and job satisfaction is 3.01 ± .56 points. After other factors are controlled, the independent effects of job satisfaction factors are significantly related to organizational commitment, job strain, sex, age, job functions. The organizational commitment of the medical staff has a significant positive impact on job satisfaction. The job strain has negative effects on organizational commitment and it has indirectly negative impact on job satisfaction, through organizational commitment. Conclusion: Different personal characteristics have significant differences in organizational commitment, job strain and job satisfaction. The job strain and job satisfaction has an indirectly negative relationship. In the further, we found that employee have relatively higher job satisfaction with high organizational commitment and lower job strain by regression analysis in that the control of personal characteristics, such as the age, sex, and job function. Therefore, diminishing the strain and strengthening commitment not only are helpful to increase job satisfaction but also enable medical institutions to enhance service quality and sustainable development.


