  • 學位論文


The Correlation between Health Literacy and Behavior for Using Mobile APPs of Health in Outpatients

指導教授 : 許哲瀚


現代社會健康意識抬頭,加上智慧型手機普及化,醫院不斷發展出與醫療行動相關的應用程式,可縮民眾在等候看診時間,同時也改變人們的健康行為。本研究目的為應用健康識能探討民眾使用醫療行動應用程式之行為。 本研究為橫斷性、以自行設計的結構式問卷,利用網路調查,問卷內容包含:受訪者基本資料、健康識能三構面及使用醫療APP行為共41題。問卷經人體試驗委員會審查同意後(108-25)以便利取於2019年4月1日至30日發放。以Google表單製作連結成QRcode問卷至某醫學中心門口外之門診民眾發放,受試者透過手機掃描條碼填答。共收集300份有效問卷,利用SPSS 25.0版統計軟體進行描述性統計及推論性統計分析。 受訪者年齡層以29歲以下居多,使用醫療行動應用程式的頻率以一個月少於1次(82.0%)為最多。最常使用的功能是醫院(預約)掛號類,其次為查詢等候看診時間類。影響門診民眾使用醫療行動應用程式行為有年齡、居住地、婚姻及自覺健康狀況。逐步迴歸分析結果顯示疾病預防為使用醫療行動應用程式行為之預測變項,高頻率使用者比低頻率者使用多0.6倍。 使用醫療行動應用程式的門診民眾對健康識能之疾病預防認知能力較佳。建議增加健康照護與健康促進的觀念以提升門診民眾的健康識能,才能提高民眾使用醫療行動應用程式的意願。 關鍵字:智慧型手機、醫療行動應用程式、健康識能模式、健康行為


Due to raising the health awareness and using the smart phones in modern society, many hospitals begin to develop medical APPs in order to shorten the waiting time and change patient's health behaviors. The purpose of this study was using health literacy to explore the behavior for medical APPs. This study was a cross-sectional design and used online questionnaire survey method. The structural questionnaire included: the basic data of respondents, three dimensions of health literacy and the behavior for using medical APPs. The questionnaire was delivered during April 1 to April 30, 2019 after approval by the Human Body Test Committee (108-25). It was a convenient sampling method and the subjects were selected outpatients from outdoor of a medical center. The subjects scanned the barcodes on mobile phone and conducted a questionnaire survey. A total of 300 valid questionnaires were collected and descriptive statistics and inferential statistical analysis were performed by using SPSS 25.0 statistical software. The majority of respondents were aged less than 29 years old (53.0%) and using the medical APPs were less than one time for a month (82.0%). The most frequently used function of medical APPs was hospital registration, followed by the inquiry of waiting time. The results showed age, place of residence, marriage and conscious health were associated with outpatients' use of medical APPs. Stepwise regression analysis showed that disease prevention was a predictive variable, and high-frequency users were 0.6 times more likely to use than low frequency. Outpatients who often use the medical APPs have better cognition to prevent diseases. It is recommended to increase the concept of health care and health promotion to improve the health literacy of outpatients in order to increase usage of medical APPs by patients. Keywords: smart phone, medical APPs, health literacy, health behavior


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