  • 學位論文


The Working Experiences of Nursing Aides in Long-term Care Institutions that Employ a Self-supporting Care Model

指導教授 : 江青桂


中文摘要 隨著人口高齡化趨勢及少子化的衝擊,政府積極發展長期照顧服務,以維持長者生活獨立及延緩失能。自立支援照顧藉由回復長者自主性,透過充分地進行日常生活活動功能照顧,提升長者的生活品質,符合政府長照政策發展方向。本研究目的在了解照顧服務員實施自立支援照顧的經驗與感受,採質性研究法,以立意取樣選取任職於實施自立支援照顧模式之中部某長照機構,且服務年資滿六個月以上之照顧服務員,透過一對一、半結構式、深度訪談的錄音方式蒐集研究資料,訪談個案數依資料飽和度而定,共收案 14 位研究個案。資料採類別-內容的敘事分析法進行分析。本研究結果呈現三個主題與九個概念類組,分別為(一)自立生活支援照顧:提升長者自主生活的照顧、重拾長者自信尊嚴的照顧、照顧團隊的互助合作;(二)照顧困境自我調適:礙與愛一線間的糾結、面對生命凋零的悲傷、長照窘境的無奈、調適自我的心境;(三)革心革新邁向卓越:革心革新的照顧工作、肯定自我邁向卓越。本研究結果提供照顧服務員、長照機構及政府機關實施自立支援照顧模式之參考。


Abstract In light of Taiwan's aging population and declining birthrate, the government has been actively developing long-term care services to enable the elderly to live independent lives and delay the development of disabilities. Under the self-supporting care model, the elderly's autonomy is restored and their daily life functions are properly taken care of, such that they get to enjoy a better quality of life and the government's long-term policy development objectives are met. This study sought to understand the experiences and feelings of care service providers in implementing self-supporting care. A qualitative research approach was adopted, and purposive sampling was conducted to recruit participants who possessed at least six months of service experience, and were working as care service providers at a long-term care institution in central Taiwan that implemented the self-supporting care model. Research data were collected by conducting and recording one-to-one, semi-structured, and in-depth interviews with the participants; and based on data saturation, 14 research participants were eventually recruited. The collected data were then analyzed using content and narrative analysis, revealing three themes and nine conceptual categories. (1) Self-supporting care: care aimed at enhancing the elderly's independent living, care aimed at restoring the elderly's self-confidence and dignity, and mutual cooperation within care service teams. (2) Self-adaptation in response to care-related difficulties: being caught between the struggles of and passion for providing care, experiencing the sadness of witnessing withering lives, feeling helpless in the face of predicaments related to long-term care,and adjusting one's mentality. (3) Excellence through innovation and reformation of one's mindset: innovating and reforming one's mindset with respect to care-related work, and affirming one's progress toward excellence. Care service providers, long-term care institutions, and government agencies could use the research results as a reference for implementing the self-supporting care model.


王鼎棫(2014) 。淺談日本「日常生活自立支援事業」。 取自http://www.oldpeople.org.tw/ImgOldPeopleOrg/20141221155843.pdf
