  • 學位論文


Effects of Interactive Games On The Cognition, Problem Behavior And Depression For Dementia Residents In Nursing Home

指導教授 : 胡月娟


背景:失智症複雜多變的病程、行為與精神症狀,常造成家庭沉重的負擔與專業照顧者的挑戰,是現今社會不可漠視的議題。非藥物治療方法已被公認為失智照護中重要的一環,近年來科技急速發展,遊戲產業升級,透過遊戲聲光刺激高齡者的認知,並藉由互動式的動態回饋,能促進高齡者的身心功能。 目的:探討互動式遊戲介入,對於護理之家失智症住民,認知、問題行為、憂鬱之成效。 方法:以立意取樣方式,招募中部某護理之家符合研究條件共43位失智症長者,採雙組前、後測設計,實驗組進行12週,每週2次的個別互動式遊戲,介入次數共24次,單次時間約10-15分鐘。控制組則維持原有日常活動,參與機構固定的活動。研究工具為簡易心智量表(Mini-Mental State Examination)、簡短版神經精神量表(neuropsychiatric inventory, NPI)、老人憂鬱量表(Geriatric Depression Scale short-form, GDS-15)。使用SPSS 22中文套裝軟體進行分析。 結果:(一)接受互動式遊戲的失智症住民,其認知功能(MMSE)有顯著進步,上升2.41分(p < .001)。(二) 接受互動式遊戲的失智症住民,其問題行為(NPI)、憂鬱狀態(GDS),與控制組相比無顯著差異。建議將互動式遊戲加入護理之家常規活動中,以改善護理之家失智症住民的認知功能,達成藉由科技輔助以預防及延緩失智症的目標。


Background: The complex and varied course, behaviors, and mental symptoms of dementia often place a heavy burden on families and challenges for professional caregivers, and has become a critical issue in modern society. Non-drug interventions have been recognized as an important approach in dementia care. The rapid development and upgrade of game industry facilitates the multisensory cognitive stimulation of the elderly via computer games, as well as the improvement of physical and psychological functions through interactive dynamic feedback. Purpose: To investigate the effect of interactive game interventions for dementia residents in the nursing home on cognition, problem behaviors, and depression. Methods: A purposive sampling strategy recruited 43 elderly with dementia in a nursing home in the middle Taiwan who was in accordance with the inclusion criteria. In the two-group pretest-posttest design, a total of 24 sessions of interventions, i.e., 10 to 15 minute interactive games for the individual, two times a week for 12 weeks, were carried out in the experimental group; whereas the control group maintained their daily routines and participated in regular activities in the nursing home. The research tools were Mini-Mental State Examination, Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), and Geriatric Depression Scale short-form (GDS-15). Statistic analysis was performed with Chinese version of SPSS 22 for Windows. Results: (1) Significantly improved MMSE was found in the dementia residents receiving interactive games (p < .001). (2) There was no significant difference in the NPI and GDS between the residents receiving interactive game interventions and those in the control group. To achieve the goal of halting or delaying the progression of dementia via technology, we recommend the incorporation of interactive games into the regular activities in the nursing home to improve the cognitive function of the dementia residents.


interactive games nursing home dementia


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