  • 學位論文


Research of Mountaineering Trail Disaster Response for Taichung DaKeng

指導教授 : 曾若鳴


摘要 臺中市大坑登山步道隨臺灣步道健行風氣逐漸盛行,隨著近十年內人潮的不斷擴增,救災應變的案件也不斷增多,然而步道本身因為道路狹窄與陡峭的特性,往往較市區消耗更多時間與體力,因此本研究透過蒐集近五年緊急救護案件(103-107年)之案件資料,同時參照搶救人員的實際經驗,釐清登山步道搶救過程中的種種困難處。 本研究採用統計分析法、問卷調查法與參與觀察法,以統計分析方法整理救護案件的始末,並對照問卷調查顯示之實務操作困難,檢討搶救過程中可能發生的問題,最終彙整為值勤人員對步道搶救案件的經驗與觀點。 救護案件統計顯示,影響大坑登山步道救災應變之因素主要為(一)僅有六成搶救人員熟悉由東山方向前往大坑步道之搶救路線,但亦有六成的人員不清楚如何由新社方向進入步道之路線,顯示值勤人員對轄區交界與偏遠地區的路線不熟悉、(二)愈八成的受測人員認為大坑登山步道山路崎嶇,且步道出入口、通道受到攤販與車輛阻擋,不僅嚴重影響搶救勤務,同時提高行車事故風險、(三)救災應變因為患者常常無法辨識自身空間位置,導致誤報而延長搜救時間。 研究結果顯示,愈八成以上搶救人員認為步道出入口動線應加強取締違規攤販或車輛,或是以保留搶救動線之方式改善,而步道路口應設有明確之搶救路線圖,沿線也應設置明確易懂之空間標示,供搶救人員與患者雙方辨別空間位置,而搶救人員也應加強平常模擬訓練,增加對步道搶救動線與轄區交界道路的熟悉度。 關鍵字:大坑登山步道、救災應變、緊急救護、搶救路線圖


Abstract The DaKeng hiking trails (DHT) are getting famous in recent years. A large number of tourist’s emergency rescue response cases were increased also. However, the driving lane of hiking trails is a serious impact for rescue operation, induce taking too much time and body strength, which increased unnecessary risk for the patient. This research was aimed to clarify the problem of rescuing operation for DHT. We collected the emergency first aid record between 103and 107 by assessing the gradual increase of the emergency case in this study, also had questionnaired the ambulance staff for comparing the result of data analysis and questionnaire to organize the problem of rescuing operation. As for the results of analysis was shown only 60% of ambulance staff know the path of DaKeng hiking trails, but more than 60% of staff didn’t realize the car lane starting from Xinshe Township, most ambulance staff just only known one path to each site. Moreover, steep slope and limiting space in this mountain also caused huge influence of rescuing operation. Over 80% of staff had suggested the management department to stop the street vendor and car parking setting near main entrance of hiking trails. On the other hand, many patients were unable to tell their correct position to ambulance service center, due to the pathway of hiking trail wasn’t clearly marked. Therefore, rescue staff were frequently spent too much time on looking for the patients during the rescue operation. Finally, the conclusion of this study was established a rescue operation training to help how to get well know each car lane. Some environmental problems should be improved, including setting different marked on every 100 meters of hiking trails, add monitors on space node, and add a rescue map near every entrances. Keyword: DaKeng hiking trails, emergency rescue response, emergency first aid ,rescue map


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