  • 學位論文


Factors associated with the Burnout on Elementary Teachers in Taichung City

指導教授 : 葉季森


背景與目的:當前社會急遽變遷,讓擔任教育工作第一線的教師,深感疲憊。本研究為瞭解臺中市國小教師職場疲勞(burnout)、健康促進生活型態、社會支持之現況及其關係,以提供相關單位參考。 方法:以臺中市立國小教師為母群體,依等機率比例分配(probability proportional to size,PPS)抽出460人,進行結構式問卷調查,有效回收率為82.8%。問卷內容包含社會人口學變項、職場疲勞量表、健康促進生活型態量表、社會支持量表。以敘述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、複迴歸等統計方法分析。 結果:研究對象得分如下:個人疲勞 (男44.5、女47.4)、工作疲勞(男36.8、女40.7)、工作過度投入 (男49.3、女49.1)、服務對象疲勞 (男39.0、女40.4)。女性31-40歲個人疲勞顯著高於30(含)歲以下;女性擔任主任之工作過度投入顯著高於一般教師。碩士以上之職場疲勞顯著高於學士。健康促進生活型態、社會支持與職場疲勞之間呈顯著負相關。影響國小教師整體「職場疲勞」的重要因素有「自我實現」、「人際支持」和「壓力管理」,解釋力16.7%。 結論與建議:台中市國小教師職場疲勞可從改善「個人疲勞」面向入手,從提昇教師「自我實現」、「人際支持」、「壓力管理」議題介入。


Background and Purpose: The rapid change in current society has made the first-line education workers, teachers, feel extremely fatigued. This study intended to understand the current status of and relationship among workplace burnout, health-promoting lifestyle, and social support of elementary school teachers in Taichung City, and to provide such information as reference for relevant units. Methods:This study selected the elementary school teachers in Taichung City as the population, and selected 460 teachers as subjects according to probability proportional to size (PPS) to conduct a structured questionnaire survey. The return rate of valid questionnaires was 82.8%. The content of the questionnaire included socio-demographic variables, workplace burnout scale, health-promoting lifestyle scale, and social support scale. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Results: The results are as follows: personal burnout (male: 44.5; female: 47.4); work burnout (male: 36.8; female: 40.7); excessive devotion to work (male: 49.3; female: 49.1), service object-caused burnout (male: 39.0; female: 40.4). The burnout of female teachers aged 31-40 is significantly higher than that of those aged 30 and under. The excessive devotion to work of female teachers acting as directors is significantly higher than that of general teachers. The workplace burnout of teachers whose level of education is master and above is significantly higher than that of those whose level of education is bachelor. There is a significant negative correlation among health-promoting lifestyle, social support, and workplace burnout. The important factors affecting the overall “workplace burnout” of elementary school teachers include “self-realization,” “interpersonal support,” and “stress management,” and the explanatory power is 16.7%. Conclusions and suggestions: The improvement of workplace burnout of elementary school teachers in Taichung City can be initiated from the aspect of personal workout to improve teachers’ self-realization, interpersonal support, and stress management. Key Words: Elementary School Teachers; burnout ; Health-Promoting Lifestyle; social support.


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