  • 學位論文


Development and Evaluation of an E-health System for Caring Patients with Interstitial Cystitis/ Painful Bladder Syndrome

指導教授 : 陳永福


摘要 目的:間質性膀胱炎(Interstitial cystitis/Painful bladder syndrome, IC/PBS)為一種慢性疾病。主要的臨床症狀為在沒有細菌感染下,發生骨盆腔疼痛、頻尿(frequency)、尿急(urgency)、性交疼痛(dyspareunia)等臨床症狀,嚴重影響病患之生活品質。本研究目的希望結合遠距照護系統,以提升病患之生活品質。 方法:實驗期間,病患將被分成實驗組及控制組,實驗前後所有病患將進行前測與後測,比較資訊與通信科技(ICT)介入後之照護成效。測試項目包括:SF-36健康生活品質量表、WHOQOL-BREF生活品質問卷、間質性膀胱炎症狀及問題評分表、痛及尿急評量表、追蹤檢查問卷等。 結果:(1)SF-36健康生活品質量表結果顯示經由ICT介入後,實驗組高達六個構面-『身體功能』、『身體疼痛』、『自覺健康狀況』、『活力狀態』、『社會功能』及『心理健康』等構面都比控制組有顯著的改善,具有統計上的差異(p<0.05);然而,『身體狀況引起的活動限制』(p =0.08)與『情緒限制』(p =0.07)等構面並沒有顯著的改善。(2)WHO-QOL生活品質問卷顯示實驗組除了『社會關係』構面外,『生理健康』、『心理』、『環境』等三大構面均有顯著的改善(p<0.05)。(3)O’Leary Symptom Scale及VAS Scale結果顯示實驗組在『症狀指數』、『問題指數』、『痛覺』及『尿急』均有顯著的改善(p<0.05)。(4)追蹤檢查問卷顯示,實驗組與控制組的前後測均有統計上差異(p<0.05)。(5)由皮爾森相關係數(Pearson Correlation)顯示ICT介入後,實驗組的『症狀指數』、『問題指數』、『痛覺』、『尿急』等四個症狀均與SF-36生活品質量表之『身體功能』、『身體狀況引起活動限制』、『身體疼痛』、『自覺健康狀況』、『活力狀態』、『情緒限制』及『心理健康』等七大構面,以及WHO-QOL生活品質量表之『生理健康』、『心理』、『社會關係』、『環境』等構面均呈現顯著的負相關性,表示IC/PBS病患的症狀與『生活品質』這些量表均具有相當的相關性。 結論:根據SF-36生活品質量表之評估結果顯示,高達六個構面的分析結果顯示實驗組病患之生活品質比控制組有更顯著的改善。另外,針對WHO-QOL生活品質問卷的調查評估,其中三個構面之分析結果顯示,實驗組病患之生活品質比控制組有更顯著的改善。研究結果顯示,遠距照護系統可以有效改善病患之生活品質,但是無法改善病患的『社會功能』。


Abstract Introduction:Interstitial cystitis/ Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS) is a chronic disease accompanied by chronic pelvic pain, frequency, urgency, and dyspareunia in the absence of urinary tract infection (UTI). This disease seriously affects the quality of life of the patients. The aim of this study is to apply information and communication technology (ICT) to improve the quality of life for the patients with IC/BPS. Materials and methods:A total of 80 female patients whose symptomes compatible with the NIDDK criteria of IC/BPS diagnosis were recruited and randomly divided into two groups, i.e. study group (N=40) and control group (N=40), for this study. Among them, 7 patients in the study group and 8 in the control group were excluded because they failed to fill the questionnaires in either the pre- or post-test. Only the data of 65 patients, 33 in the study group and 32 in the contro group, were used for further analyses. All patients were assessed with questionnaires, including SF-36, WHO-QOL, O''Leary-Sant Symptom and Problem Scales, and VAS Scale, at the baseline and 8 weeks after starting the experiement. Statistical analysis was performed using unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test to compare the outcomes of 2 study groups. Results: After health surveys with SF-36, WHO-QOL, O’Leary Symptom Scale, and VAS SCale, it is shown that the quality of life of the patients in the study group has been significantly improved (p<0.05) after ICT intervention compared with the control group without ICT intervention. Conclusion:The proposed E-health system integrating the simple message service of the mobile phone and the Internet can be applied in the clinical setting to effectively improve the quality of life of the patients with IC/PBS.


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