  • 學位論文


Purification and properties of β-N-acetylhexosaminidase and chitotriosidase from bamboo shoots.

指導教授 : 江翠蓮


新鮮採收綠竹筍經幾丁聚醣溶液處理後,其可食部含高活性之幾丁質酶、幾丁聚醣酶等防禦性酵素,此外亦含有β-N-乙醯胺基六碳糖苷酶(β-NAHA)及幾丁三糖酶活性,可能是配合幾丁質酶降解入侵真菌細胞壁幾丁質,所以也具防禦性酵素功能。本研究之目的即在分離純化綠竹筍可食部所含β-NAHA及幾丁三糖酶,並探討其酵素性質。 新鮮綠竹筍採收後以0.1﹪幾丁聚醣處理,置室溫 (24±2℃)貯存42小時,將可食部冷凍乾燥並磨成粉末,作為粗酵素粉末,儲存於-20℃。粗酵素粉末經由0.025 M imidazole-HCl緩衝液(pH7.4)抽取,硫酸銨沉澱(80 ﹪飽和度) ,Sephacryl S-200膠體過濾層析,DEAE-Sephacel離子交換層析,PBE-94等電焦集層析及Superose 12 HR 膠體過濾層析等連續步驟純化,可使β-NAHA酵素純度提高72.7倍,並獲得5.9%之活性回收率。膠體過濾層析測得酵素原態分子量為44.3 kDa,以人工合成之pNP-β-N-GlcNAc為基質,純化綠竹筍β-NAHA之最適pH值為5.0,最適溫度為50℃,熱穩定性分析顯示酵素於30至45℃保溫40分鐘頗穩定,但超過50℃則顯著失去活性, Km值為1.16mM而最大反應速率為4.22umol/min/mg。重金屬離子 Hg2+ (0.25 mM)完全抑制酵素活性,而Zn2+(5 mM)和Ag+(0.25 mM)則分別抑制69%及33%酵素活性 。化學修飾劑Woodward’s reagent K (50 mM)完全抑制酵素活性,N-bromosuccinimide (5 mM) 抑制90%左右酵素活性,p-hydroxymercuribenzoate(0.5 mM) 抑制60%左右酵素活性。由基質特異性測定得知酵素對β-糖苷鍵具有專一性,對β-N-乙醯胺基葡萄糖苷水解之速率約為β-N-乙醯胺基半乳糖苷之四倍。 粗酵素粉末經由0.025 M imidazole-HCl緩衝液(pH7.4)抽取,硫酸銨沉澱(80 ﹪飽和度) ,Sephacryl S-200膠體過濾層析,DEAE-Sephacel離子交換層析等連續步驟純化,可使幾丁三糖酶酵素純度提高10.2倍,並獲得70%之活性回收率。以人工合成之4-MU-GlcNAc3為基質,純化綠竹筍幾丁三糖酶之最適pH值為4.0,最適溫度為55℃。重金屬離子 Hg2+ (0.25 mM)抑制30%酵素活性,其餘重金屬離子對酵素活性無顯著影響。


After the storage of fresh harvest bamboo shoots treated with chitosan, the edible portion of bamboo shoots had high activities of chitinolytic,enzymes. It also contains the enzyme of β-N-acetyl- hexosaminidase (β-NAHA) and chitotriosidase which may play an important role for degradation of fungi cell walls in defense mechanism. The purpose of this study is to investigate the purification and characterization of β-NAHA and chitotriosidase from edible portion of bamboo shoots. Fresh harvest bamboo shoots were treated with 0.1% chitosan and stored at room temperature for 42 hours. The dried powders from edible portion of bamboo shoots by lyophilization were stored at -20℃. β-NAHA was purified by the following sequential steps: buffer extraction, ammoniumsulfate.fractionation Sephacryl S-200 gelfiltration,DEAE- Sephacel,ion-exchange,chromatography,PBE-94chromatofocusing and Superose 12 HR gel filtration. We found that the purity of β-NAHA increased 72.7 fold and the recovery of activity was 5.9%. The molecular mass estimated by gel filtration was 44.3 kDa. The optimal pH for pNP-β-N-GlcNAc hydrolysis was 5.0 and the optimal temperature was at 50℃. To assess thermostability, the enzyme almost retained all of its activity after incubation at 30℃〜45℃ for 30 min , but significantly loss activity after 50℃. The Km was 1.16 mM and Vmax was 4.22 umole/min/mg . Heavy metal ions of Hg2+ (0.25 mM), chemical modification agents N-bromosuccinimide (0.5 mM) and Woodward’s reagent K (50 mM) significantly or completely inhibited the activity of the enzyme. From the measure of substrate specificity, the enzyme had the property of specific for β-glycosidic linkage. chitotriosidase was purified by the following sequential steps: buffer extraction, ammonium sulfate fractionation, Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration, DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography, We also found that the purity of chitotriosidase increased 10.2 fold and the recovery of activity was 70%. The optimal pH for 4-MU-GlcNAc3 hydrolysis was 4.0 and the optimal temperature was at 55℃. Heavy metal ions of Hg2+ (0.25 mM) inhibited the 30% activity of the enzyme.


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