  • 學位論文


The optimization decision marketing of medicial aesthetic clinic business

指導教授 : 陳淑賢


人類自古以來一直對美的追求不曾停止,近年人們對美容整型的接受度日漸增加,統計數據顯示,2009年台灣的美容整型術共實施186,355件,佔全球的1.1%。新的醫學美容機構相繼成立,但其中也有很多因經營不善而倒閉,其原因是醫師大多專精於醫學專業領域,對於漸漸轉型為服務導向的醫學美容中心,不只要具有醫學的專業知識,更需要良好的經營。   近期研究指出醫學美容經營需重視顧客關係,提供多元化、創新及差異化服務,台灣醫學美容市場蓬勃發展,但對醫學美容經營仍屬摸索階段,本研究透過專家群體分析找出最佳化策略,再運用敏感度分析評估因素之準則權重改變時,去分析影響個案改變的程度。變數探討分四大構面包括環境層面、診療服務、推廣形式、建立特色,再細分為十五項準則,採用層級分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)找出最佳策略。本文採用群體決策法對醫學美容經營選出決策,有關變數探討分四大構面十五項準則,其四大構面分別為(1)環境層面(2)診療服務(3)推廣形式(4)建立特色等。此外,十五項評估準則有:(1)隱密性(2)設點位置(3)人口密集度(4)同行競爭性(5)雷射設備種類(6)微整型種類(7)客製化服務(8)網路及購物頻道(9)代言人改造後對照圖(10)招牌設計(11)裝潢時尚性(12)國際觀光療程(13)訂價策略(14)經營型態(15)醫師知名度,採用層級分析(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)找出最佳方案。本研究以醫學美容經營特色為目標透過群體分析評估找出最佳策略,結果顯示差異化與創新是經營成功首要因素,整體經營成功要以建立特色為目標,訂價策略與經營型態是以減低成本來增加營運獲利。個案分析中得知B個案在四大構面十五項準則整體權重排序為第三,提出改善方案後,再利用敏感度分析將診療服務提昇12%時整體權重增加2%,將推廣形式提昇22%時整體權重增加5%,整體權重排序為第二。


Humans pursuit of beauty was never stopped since ancient times. The acceptance of medical cosmetic and plastic surgery were increasing in recent years. According to the worldwide statistics in 2009, show that cosmetic procedure implemented a total of 186,355 in Taiwan, 1.1% of the world. New medical aesthetic clinics have been established, but there are many failures due to poor management. The reason is most physicians specialize in medical fields, for gradually transformed into service-oriented medical aesthetic clinics, not just the medical expertise, but also the need for good management. It’s showed in recent studies that in cosmetic medicine marketing, it’s required more attention to work on the relationships between customers and providers, and to provide diversified, innovative and different customer services. In Taiwan, the cosmetic medicine marketing is vigorous growing, but management of the cosmetic medicine marketing is just in the abstract level. This study helps to identify the optimal management strategies by analyzing the decision from the expert groups, then using the sensitivity analysis to approach the change of weight factor affect individual case. There are four dimensions in the analysis factor included 15 sub-items: Environment, Medical service, Marketing promotion and Business characteristic. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to analysis these factors and help to find out the optimal cosmetic medicine marketing. The result shows that customized service is the most important factor, which due to differentiation of products and attraction to customers. The success of cosmetic medicine marketing management is to build up the unique business characteristic. The main strategy of pricing and marketing management is increase the profit by lower the cost. Sensitivity analysis shows that the greatest disparity factor is medical service in these 3 cases.


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