  • 學位論文


The Correlation stady of Atopic Dermatitis Children and Their Families on the Knowledge Attitudes and Behavior of the Atopic Dermatitis

指導教授 : 陳景元


背景:異位性皮膚炎是一種慢性且反覆發作的皮膚疾患,國內外研究調查指出其盛行率約在10~20%間。季節替換、環境變化及外物刺激造成「癢感」而導致搔抓,一再的癢、抓、疹惡性循環不易痊癒。對在學表現及成績會有相當的影響。過去我國對於異位性皮膚炎的相關研究主要著重在於疾病的盛行率、病患及家屬的生活品質狀況。因此本研究對異位性皮膚炎病童的主要照護者進行認知、行為與疾病嚴重度進行調查。 目的:1.瞭解異位性皮膚炎病童家長對異位性皮膚炎的正確認知情形。2.探討家屬對異位性皮膚炎的病童的照護行為。3.分析家屬對疾病認知、照護行為對疾病嚴重度的影響。 方法:以結構式問卷調查北部地區18歲以下異位性皮膚炎病患之主要照護者約100位,調查其病患本身及主要照護者的基本資料(年齡、性別、家族過敏史、疾病史、病患罹病的時間)、異位性皮膚炎的認知(異位性皮膚炎的發生原因、預防復發方法、可能治療方法及可能的後遺症等)、照護行為(病患對飲食的行為、家庭居家環境的情形、就醫治療情形等)。並以次數、百分比、平均數與標準差等描述性分析,敘述其認知與行為之情形以及異位性皮膚炎的嚴重程度。異位性皮膚炎嚴重程度轉換為嚴重度分數後,以複迴歸分析,探討影響疾病嚴重度的相關因素。 成果:本研究可以瞭解異位性皮膚炎主要照護者,對疾病的認知情形是否正確;以及影響其行為的相關因素後,做為未來醫療提供者提供相關疾訊息以及研擬相關衛教說明的參考。 關鍵字:異位性皮膚炎、認知、行為、疾病嚴重度


Abstract Atopic dermatitis is chronic and recurring skin disorders, domestic and foreign research pointed out that its prevalence in about 10 ~ 20%. Seasons replace, environmental change and foreign objects stimulation caused 「introduction Tickle 」 causing itching did, repeatedly, the vicious circle is not easy to cure, rash. On the findings and results have a considerable impact. Past China for Atopic dermatitis related research is mainly focused on the prevalence of the disease, patients and their families in the quality of life. Therefore this study intended for Atopic dermatitis patient''s primary care practitioners with cognition, behavior and disease severity. Purpose: 1. understanding atopic dermatitis child, parents on eczema awareness of correct. 2. Explore families on atopic dermatitis child care. 3. Analysis of family members on disease awareness and care behaviors on influences of disease severity. Method: the structured questionnaire survey in the northern part of the 18-year-old following Atopic dermatitis sufferers of primary caregivers about 100, investigate their patients themselves and their main caregivers of basic data (age, sex, family history of allergies, diseases, patient infected by time), the cognitive Atopic dermatitis (atopic dermatitis causes, prevention of recurrent method, the method and may likely treatment of sequelae, etc), care behavior (behavior of patients on diet, family home environment scenarios, medical treatment cases, etc.). And to count, percentages, average and standard deviation, and other descriptive analysis, description of their cognitive and behavioral conditions as well as Atopic dermatitis. The severity of atopic dermatitis is converted to a severity score, to complex effects regression analysis, the study of disease severity. Results: this study is expected to understand this research solutions for Atopic dermatitis primary care, disease and cognitive scenario is correct; and the impact their behaviour of the relevant factors, as the future of health care providers to provide relevant information and the development of disease-associated educators description reference. Tags: Atopic Dermatitis, Cognitive, Behavioral, Disease Severity


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