  • 學位論文


The study on the air quality for hospitals

指導教授 : 陳永福 白佳原


中文摘要 根據2002年世界衛生組織指出,室內環境污染已列為人類健康的十大威脅之一。其中,全球各地每年大約有140萬人是在醫院直接感染疾病,而台灣醫院院內感染的發生率約3%~5%。因此,有關於室內空氣品質之問題不容忽視,尤其是醫療空氣品質之管理。但目前國內關於室內空氣品質的規範,僅在勞工作業環境中,尚未對醫院訂定空氣品質標準及污染物管理控制辦法,是以,本研究擬以醫院空氣品質之研究為題,針對醫院室內空氣品質進行調查與研究,以了解醫院內空氣污染物的分布,參酌國內有關醫療院所空氣品質之規定與標準,依醫院區域劃分及使用規劃,研擬出具體可行的醫院空氣品質標準,以為有關當局參考。 本研究選取台中市「醫學中心」及「區域教學醫院」各一所為樣本對象,針對醫院內各單位之懸浮微粒(suspended particulates)、總揮發性有機化合物(TVOC)、二氧化碳(CO2)、甲醛(HCHO) 等汙染物實施測量。研究結果顯示,兩家樣本醫院之TVOC 和 HCHO含量高於台灣環保署所制定之3ppm 與 0.1 ppm 之標準,CO2濃度高於環保署之600ppm 標準。然而,二家樣本醫院之手術室、中央供應室符合潔淨室等級要求,但加護病房(ICU)與洗腎室區域皆不符合要求。是以,本研究建議當局應擬定法定醫院空氣品質標準,及劃分醫院各區域潔淨室之要求等級,並藉由加強醫院院內空調過濾裝備,提高通風換氣,以及配合其他措施等方式,維護醫院空氣品質,以保障醫院工作人員及病人之身體健康。 關鍵詞:醫院空氣品質、總揮發性有機化合物、甲醛、懸浮微粒


Abstract According to a study reported by World Health Organization in 2002, the indoor air pollution has been listed as one of the ten significant threats to human health. At present, the standard of the indoor air quality is only set in working environments for laborers in Taiwan. The aims of this research are to investigate the air quality of sampled hospitals to be suggested as a reference for refining the standard of the indoor air quality. Two hospitals located in Taichung are selected as study samples due to their willingness to cooperate with the researchers. The measures of air quality used in this study include Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC), HCHO, CO2, and suspended particulates. It was observed that TVOC and HCHO volumes are higher than the standard of laboring environments, i.e. 3 ppm and 0.1 ppm, in the following areas: the emergency department, wards, stations, outpatient department, and the laboratory. Only the operation rooms reach the required standard. As to CO2, concentration, it was higher than the recommended standard (600 ppm) in all measured areas. Furthermore, as for the suspended particulates, operation rooms and central supply rooms (CSR) meet the clean room standard, but the intensive care units (ICU) and hemodialysis rooms. The reasons why TVOC and HCHO exceed the recommended standard could be manifested by the fact that some areas were not separated from other areas when under internal decoration; therefore, the paint could raise the TVOC and HCHO concentrations. We suggests that it is important to separate the air conditioners of the construction area from those of other areas as well as to exchange the indoor air with outdoor air more frequently to improve the indoor air quality. It was also found that the indoor CO2 concentration exceeds the enacted standard (600 ppm), which is only a little higher than the measured outdoor concentration (500ppm). Therefore, the current 600ppm of CO2 standard seems to be too rigid and too difficult to achieve. We suggest to raise the CO2 concentration to 1000ppm as a new standard for hospitals. Furthermore, both the operation room and central supply room of two hospitals met the requirement of cleaning room; however, the ICUs and hemodialytic rooms did not. Hence, we suggest that the standard of air quality for hospitals should be enacted by relevant governmental departments by considering feasibility and limitation of different divisions. In addition, air conditioners equipped with high-quality filters should be adopted to enhance indoor air ventilation so that the air quality can be ensured to prevent nosocomial infections. Keywords:hospital air quality、TVOC、HCHO、suspended particulates


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