  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Acupressure on Improving Bowel Movement in Long-term care Patient

指導教授 : 楊其璇


長期臥床的病患因身體功能退化、活動力減少,常伴隨腸胃道功能障礙,改善方法以藥物最為常見,但同時也造成身體代謝負擔,而輔助性醫療可改善此方面之副作用,其中穴位按摩即方法之ㄧ種。本研究目的為探討以穴位按摩方法,改善長期臥床病患腸蠕動之成效。研究方法以類實驗法,收案對象為中部某教學中心醫院三個慢性病房之長期臥床、住院超過三個月,且不能為癌末或腹部有人工造口之病患,總共收案80位,實驗組(n=41)施以天樞穴(ST-25)、足三里穴(ST-36)、中脘穴(CV-12)穴位按摩;對照組(n=39)則不施行任何按摩,每次各穴位按摩2分鐘,持續執行5天,而評估腸蠕動次數、排便次數及性質紀錄到第15天。資料以SPSS 17.0電腦套裝軟體編碼後,以次數分配、百分比、卡方檢定、t-test、勝算比檢測兩組資料之差異。 結果顯示兩組研究對象在接受實驗前,在社會人口學資料及可能影響腸蠕動因素之變項,均呈現無顯著差異(p > .05)。實驗組在接受穴位按摩後,有效改善腸蠕動、腸蠕動次數增加、排便頻率增加,皆優於對照組且達顯著性(p < .05);但在有效排便(p > .05)、大便性質則無差異。期望本研究結果能以科學方法佐證,穴位按摩可運用在預防或改善臨床長期臥床病患腸胃道功能障礙,以提升病患生活品質。


Impairment in gastro-intestinal function are common problem among patients in long-term care facilities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure in patients with gastro-intestinal in long-term care. A quasi-experimental design was used for this study. The 80 participants were assigned to ether the acupressure group or the control group. Participants at acupressure group received a 2-minutes acupressure intervention every day for 15days. The acupressure intervention was administered one hour after breakfast. Those acupressure points used in this study were ST-25, ST-36, CV-12. The control group received no additional intervention other the standard care. Bowel movement will be measured, using a stethoscope, before and after each acupressure intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for windows ;central tendency, Chi-square, t-test, odds ratio statistical method was performed. The results showed that acupressure intervention effectively increased bowel movement, No significant effects on improving the quality of stool. However, the statistical significance of the effect on bowel movement may not equal to the clinical significance. Finding from this study could provide evidence for the effectiveness of acupressure on gastro-intestines function among patients receiving long-term care.


行政院衛生署(2010,4月20日)。衛署醫字第 0990200635 號
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