  • 學位論文


Sensory Analysis of Vanilla-flavored Ice Creams Prepared with New Artificial Sweeteners

指導教授 : 劉伯康


蔗糖與脂肪能使冰淇淋形成良好的風味與品質,但也造成產品的高熱量而影響消費者購買的意願。由於消費趨勢朝向健康為主,因此近年來許多冰淇淋的研究藉由移除或使用其他成份取代蔗糖與脂肪,探討開發高品質的低脂與低糖冰淇淋產品之可行性。本研究目的主要有二:(1) 在不同脂肪含量(4%與10%)的冰淇淋,以阿斯巴甜為對照組,主要探討兩種新型人工甜味劑-蔗糖素與紐甜,單獨或混合取代蔗糖所組成之16種配方冰淇淋,以感官品評技術的描述分析試驗結合多變量分析,了解冰淇淋產品的感官特性。(2) 從16種配方之冰淇淋選出6種不同特性的代表性產品(包含4%與10%的傳統冰淇淋),以感官品評中消費者測試法探討消費者之接受性與喜好性並結合問卷調查來瞭解消費者對於冰淇淋產品的相關意象,做為產品開發之參考。 描述性分析試驗以14位訓練良好的品評員,使用15公分直線評分法(3重複)評估16種香草冰淇淋(脂肪含4%與10%;糖組成型式含蔗糖(控制組)、人工甜味劑(蔗糖素、紐甜、阿斯巴甜、蔗糖/人工甜味劑(1:1)與蔗糖素/紐甜(1:1)等8種)之26種特性,包含5種外觀、6種風味、6種質地、8種餘後味及融化率等特性。消費者試驗樣品是根據描述分析結果,選擇6種特性不同之香草冰淇淋(含4%脂肪混合蔗糖、紐甜、蔗糖素/紐甜與10%脂肪含蔗糖、蔗糖素、蔗糖素/紐甜),以84位消費者品評員進行消費者之接受性(九分法)與喜好性(排序法)試驗並於品評結束後進行問卷調查。實驗結果以變異數分析與多變量統計進行分析。 描述試驗結果發現甜味劑不同型式主要影響冰淇淋之外觀(乳黃色、乳白色、硬度、多孔狀)與融化率而脂肪含量對風味與質地的品質影響較大(p<0.05);其中,脂肪含量及甜味劑不同形式同時影響乳黃色、冰晶狀、甜味與冰凍感(p<0.05);而甜味劑主要影響冰淇淋之牛奶糖味、異(餘)味、甜餘味、膨鬆感及口乾(p<0.05)。人工甜味劑於冰淇淋中會增加的外觀中硬度與冰晶狀的特性、質地的冰凍感增加及膨鬆感降低、降低融解速率與較強的甜餘味(p<0.05)。主成分分析的結果發現蔗糖/蔗糖素或紐甜(1:1)之冰淇淋特性接近傳統冰淇淋而紐甜(100%)取代蔗糖之冰淇淋,具有明顯的甜(餘)味、煉乳(餘)味與冰凍感,與傳統冰淇淋差異最大。其中,以蔗糖素和紐甜混合的冰淇淋的硬度及甜餘味最強;阿斯巴甜和紐甜的冰淇淋融解速率最慢而含有蔗糖素的冰淇淋冰凍感最強。消費者接受性之結果發現6種特性不同之香草冰淇淋,除了甜味程度喜歡之接受性較低外,其他整體、外觀風味、香草風味及口感喜歡之接受性範圍皆在”沒有不喜歡與沒有喜歡”與"有點喜歡”之間。其中10%高脂蔗糖素/紐甜之香草冰淇淋在整體與風味喜好(平均5.5與5.18)之接受性呈現最低;以Friedman’s test檢驗喜好性結果顯示人工甜味劑之冰淇淋與傳統4%低脂冰淇淋在喜好程度上無顯著差異(p>0.05),而與傳統10%全脂冰淇淋有顯著差異(p<0.05)。以最小平方迴歸分析描述分析與消費者接受性之結果顯示消費者喜歡多孔狀明顯以及較強的牛奶糖味與膨鬆感之香草冰淇淋;此外,也比較接受較軟、融化率慢以及風味上甜(餘)味、苦味與異(餘)味不明顯及質地的沙沙感、冷凍感等特性較弱之產品。利用外部偏好圖來分析描述分析與接受性之結果得知部份消費者喜歡10%高脂傳統冰淇淋及混合蔗糖與紐甜之冰淇淋產品,這些產品在香草(餘)味、牛奶(餘)味、煉乳(餘)味、口覆感及細緻感等特性上明顯。 問卷調查發現五成消費者在購買冰淇淋時不會考慮熱量高低,當產品宣稱有健康成份會增加購買意向。藉由數種分析發現冰淇淋的消費中發現口味及熱量是消費者購買動機之重要因素。 人工甜味劑用於冰淇淋,在低脂的環境中,以添加蔗糖素的冰淇淋最明顯,會增加外觀中硬度與冰晶感、質地的冰凍感增加及膨鬆感降低、降低融解速率與有較強的甜餘味;然而,冰淇淋之脂肪含量增加,會強化紐甜的甜味及餘後感而當脂肪含量降低,會加速紐甜冰淇淋的劣化,使冰晶狀及冰凍感特性增強。在高脂的環境中,用蔗糖素取代一半的蔗糖可得到與傳統高脂冰淇淋最接近的特性。人工甜味劑對於冰淇淋中甜味、香草味及質地的改變降低了消費者的接受性與喜好性。兩種新興的人工甜味劑在冰淇淋的生產中可以部分取代蔗糖,產生高品質與高接受性之產品。


The content of sucrose and fat can contribute pleasing flavor and good quality for ice cream but also cause a high calorie product so that the factor affects the purchase intent for consumers. Due to the health tendency for consumers, many ice cream studies have focused on developing a production possibility for high quality product of low-fat and low-carb ice creams by the removals or substitutes of sucrose and fat. The objectives of this study were to understand the sensory properties of 16 ice creams, containing 2 different fat contents with 8 combinations of sweetener ingredients, either sucrose, aspartame, neotame and sucralose or sucrose with aspartame, neotame or sucralose and neotame with sucralose, using a descriptive test with multivariate statistical analysis and to investigate the consumer acceptance and preference of 6 ice creams having significantly different properties, chosen from 16 ice creams, using sensory consumer test in order of doing the reference of product development for ice cream. Concerning the descriptive test, 14 well-trained panelists were asked to evaluate the 26 attributes, including 5, 6, 6 and 8 attributes for appearance, flavor, texture and aftertaste and rate of melting, for 16 kinds of vanilla-flavored ice creams, consisting of 4% and 10% fats and 8 different sweetener formulations(sucrose as control and artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, neotame, aspartmate, sucrose and artificial sweeteners (1:1) and sucralose and neotame) using 15 cm unstructured line scales. 9-point hedonic test and ranking test were used to evaluate the consumer acceptance and preference for sensory consumer test by 84 consumer panelists. The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA and multivariate statistical analysis. The results showed the sweetener type mainly affected the appearance attributes, such as milky yellow color, milky white color, hardness and porous, and rate of melting and the fat content had a significant effect on flavor and textural attributes for ice cream products (p<0.05). Among them, the both type and level of fat and sweeteners also had an influence on milky yellow color, iciness, sweetness and coldness (p<0.05). The sweeteners for flavor and textural attributes primarily affected the milky candy flavor, off-flavor with aftertaste, sweetness aftertaste, bulkiness and dry-mouth aftertaste (p<0.05). The artificial sweetener replacement in ice cream increased the hardness and iciness for appearance, improved the coldness and decreased fluffiness, slowed the rate of melting and had the stronger sweetness aftertaste (p<0.05). The result of principal component analysis indicated the ice cream with sucrose/neotame or sucralose had the similar characteristics with full-fat regular ice creams and the ice cream with neotame had the significant differences with 10% ice cream due to having the stronger sweetness with aftertaste, condensed milk flavor with aftertaste and coldness. In addition, ice cream with sucralose and neotame had the highest intensity in hardness and sweetness aftertaste and ice cream with aspartame or neotame had the slowest rate of melting as well as ice cream with sucralose had the strongest intensity in coldness. Consumer sensory test showed the acceptance of the 6 ice creams, chosen from 16 kinds of ice creams according to diverse characteristics, for overall liking (DOL), liking of appearance (DOA), liking of overall flavor (DOF), liking of vanilla flavor (DOV), and liking of mouthfeel (DOM) ranged on average between “Neither dislike nor like” and “Like moderately”, except for liking of sweetness (DOS) which had the lower acceptance. 10% ice cream with sucralose and neotame had the lowest mean hedonic rating of 5.5 and 5.18 for DOL and DOF, separately. Ranking test, calculated by Frideman’s test, showed significant differences although there were not significant differences between 4% ice cream and the ice creams with artificial sweetener replacement (p<0.05). Partial least square (PLS), combining the data of the descriptive test and consumer acceptance, showed that the ice creams with higher liking levels had more porous, milky candy flavor and fluffiness attributes as well as less hardness, the slow rate of melting, less sweetness with aftertaste, less bitterness, less off-flavor with aftertaste, less sandiness and less coldness. External preference mapping demonstrated some consumers liked the 10% regular ice cream and 10% ice cream with sucrose and neotame due to the significant attributes in vanilla flavor with aftertaste, milky flavor with aftertaste, condensed milk flavor with aftertaste, mouthcoating and creaminess. Survey fond nearly 50% consumers in Taiwan don’t care the carolies while they consider purchasing ice cream products. However, the product claimed health benefits could in crease the purchase intent of consumers. In addition, our research using several statistical methods found that taste and carolies are the important factors for purchasing ice cream products. The two artificial sweeteners, especially sucralose, used in the low-fat ice cream could increase the hardness and iciness for appearance and sweetness with aftertaste for flavor, improve the coldness and decrease the fluffiness for texture. The higher fat in ice cream with neotame could strength the intensity of sweetness with aftertaste but the low-fat product could significantly have the poor quality. In high fat environment, the ice cream with sucrose and sucralose had the closer characteristic with the regular ice cream. The addition of artificial sweeteners in ice cream clearly to change the profile of sweetness, vanilla flavor and texture caused the lower consumer acceptance and preference. The two artificial sweeteners partially replace sucrose to ice cream could have the product of high quality and acceptance.


呂秀英。2006。多變數分析在農業科技之應用。Crop, Environment and Bioinformatics 3:199-216。
