  • 學位論文

以Aspergillus niger NCH-318生產聚甘露糖酶最適條件及誘導特性探討暨聚甘露糖水解產物之益生效果

Optimization of mannanase production and induction properties from Aspergillus niger NCH-318 and the prebiotic effect of mannan hydrolysis products

指導教授 : 林澤群


本研究探討使用具有聚甘露糖酶活性之Aspergillus niger NCH-318為試驗菌株,以去油椰子粕為碳源並以反應曲面法( response surface method, RSM)探討聚甘露糖酶(mannanase)生產培養基組成的最適化。此外,以不同醣類做為培養Asp. niger NCH-318探討酵素誘導特性,最後以部分純化的聚甘露糖酶製備聚甘露糖之水解產物,再以水解產物進行乳酸菌生長試驗。 Asp. niger NCH-318經RSM試驗,得到生產聚甘露糖酶之最適培養條件結果如下:去油椰子粕濃度3.12% (w/v)、酵母萃取物8.67(g/L)、起始pH 4.6,培養溫度40℃,接種量為106 spores/mL,培養於第六天有最佳的聚甘露糖酶活性(約236.64 U/mL)。 利用酵素水解聚甘露糖所得產物誘導Aspergillus niger NCH-318生產聚甘露糖酶效果顯著。多醣則以蒟蒻粉、刺槐豆膠及關華豆膠誘導生產聚甘露糖酶之效果較顯著。 B. infantis BCRC 14602及B. angulatum BCRC 14665在甘露糖、聚甘露糖水解產物及刺槐豆膠培養期間,以聚甘露糖水解產物為碳源培養B. infantis BCRC 14602及B. angulatum BCRC 14665較其他兩碳源快進入對數生長期。利用可滴定酸估計培養基中乳酸含量,以聚甘露糖水解產物做為碳源培養B. infantis BCRC 14602及B. angulatum BCRC 14665之乳酸含量較高。


A strain Aspergillus niger NCH-318 capable of producing mannanase was investigated in this study. We used coconut meal as carbon source and other factors to optimize medium composition by response surface method. In addition, different sugars were useed as carbon sources to study mannanase induction for this strain. Finally, mannan hydrolysates were used to cultivate bifidobacteria to understand their growth-enhanceing effect. The optimum culture conditions for mannanase production were as follow: defatted coconut meal 3.12% (w/v), yeast extract 8.67 g/L, initial pH 4.6, incubation temperature 40℃, and inoculum size of 106 spores/mL. The best mannanase activity (236.64 U/mL) was obtained under the optimal condition after six days of cultivation. Mannooligosaccharide could induce mannanase production by this strain. The induction effect was significant. When we used the media containing mannooligosaccharide to culture B. infantis BCRC 14602, B. longum BCRC 14664 and B. angulatum BCRC 14665, the results showed B. infantis BCRC 14602 and B. angulatum BCRC 14665 grew faster than cultured by other carbon sources. The data showed that both B. infantis BCRC 14602 and B. angulatum BCRC 14665 spent less time to reach log phase of growth curve when they were cultured by mannooligosaccharide. The lactic acid production was also higher than those cultures without mannooligosaccharide. Therefor, the mannooligosaccharides could promote some bifidobacteria growth.


probiotics mannooligosaccharide mannanase prebiotics


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