  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Study of Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome and Its Determinants: A Hospital-based Health Examination Data Study in Taichung.

指導教授 : 陳錦杏


背景與目的 代謝症候群已被證實是許多疾病的主因。台灣地區受到飲食及生活習慣西化影響,代謝症候群的盛行率逐年升高;又代謝症候群衍生之醫療支出遠高於死因第一位的惡性腫瘤。因此,本研究以中台灣某區域教學醫院健康檢查資料庫之健康檢查資料進行分析,計算代謝症候群盛行率並探討其危險因子,提供個案醫院進行疾病管理及健康管理參考。 方法 本研究以2007 年9 月至2009 年12 月自費健康檢查顧客資料進行橫斷性分析。代謝症候群則以國民健康局2006 年之代謝症候群定義判定,再以多變項邏輯斯迴歸模式探討代謝症候群之影響因子。 結果 扣除資料不完整及重複者後,得到有效樣本2,320 人,其中496 人 (21.38%),被診斷為代謝症候群患者。BMI(24≦BMI<27: OR:4.028, 95%CI=1.962-8.272;BMI≧27: 32.629, 95%CI=14.577-73.036)、TC/HDL-C ratio(OR:7.472, 95%CI=3.885-14.372)、高血壓病史(OR:8.015, 95%CI=3.826-16.791)、糖尿病史(OR:6.057, 95%CI=2.160-16.979)、抽菸(OR:0.314, 95%CI=0.099-0.996)與嚼食檳榔(OR:3.535, 95%CI=1.182-10.574)均為發生代謝症候群的顯著因子。 結論 建議醫院對於民眾進行衛生教育、設置個案管理師、定期追蹤危險因子,並改變生活形態。


Objective: Metabolic syndrome has been confirmed as a major cause of several diseases. As the eating habit and life style have changed recently, the number of patients with metabolic syndrome is rising in Taiwan, and the resulting health care related expenditures are more than the expenditures related to cancers in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and related factors of metabolic syndrome in adults, the implications of which could provide impetus for hospital administrators for disease management and health promotion. Method: This was a cross-sectional study using data from a ventral Taiwan regional hospital health examination database. Research subjects were comprised of 2,320 adults. The metabolic syndrome was defined using the 2006 Bureau of Health Promotion guidelines. A multivariate logistic regression was used to explore the influencing factors of metabolic syndrome. Principal findings: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 21.38%. The results of multiple logistic regression showed that the overweight, TC’HDL ratio, hypertension history, diabetes history, smoking, and betel nut chewing had a relatively high risk of developing metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: A system integrating health education programs and case managers is suggested. In addition, a regular follow-up of risk factors and lifestyle modifications are also suggested based on the study results.


