  • 學位論文


Quality of life and social support of community sychiatric rehabilitation institution’s patients

指導教授 : 葉季森


民國八十年衛生署推出計畫性的社區復健方案,促使許多公私立精神醫療院所成立精神復健機構,推行精神醫療體制社區化。社區為主的治療模式比較節省成本,精神病患的生活品質是評估社區照護成效之重要指標。本研究旨在瞭解社區精神復健機構病患之人口社會學特性、疾病特性、家庭特性與生活品質、社會支持之關係。研究對象為中部某社區復健中心與某康復之家之精神病患,以結構式問卷收集資料,收案期間自2010年5月至2010年10月底,共收案301名。研究問卷內容包括:病患人口學特性、 世界衛生組織生活品質問卷-台灣簡明版及社會支持量表。研究結果發現: 一、研究對象平均年齡39.66歲,七成未婚,教育程度以高中職為主,六成無業,八成有宗教信仰。病患平均發病年齡28.59歲;生病平均年數為12.44年;平均住院次數3.70次。 二、研究對象的生活品質以環境範疇得分最高;社會關係範疇次之;生理健康範疇再次之;心理範疇最低。 三、研究對象的社會支持來源以復健機構工作人員最多;家人親戚次之;同學朋友最少。社會支持功能以協助性功能最多,依次為訊息性功能、評價性功能、情緒性功能最少。 四、研究對象之教育程度、藥物副作用、家中同住者、家庭收入是否夠用等變項,與生活品質之間有統計的顯著差異(P<.05)。 五、研究對象之復健模式、家庭收入是否夠用、家人的精神疾病狀況等變項,與社會支持之間有統計的顯著差異(P<.05)。 六、研究對象的發病年齡與家人相處時間為負相關(P<.01) ,即發病年齡愈小,與家人相處時間愈長。 七、研究對象的生活品質總分與社會支持總分為正相關(P<.01) ,即社會支持愈高,生活品質愈好。


The planned community rehabilitation program, released by Department of Health in 1999, pushed several public and private psychiatric hospitals establishing psychiatric rehabilitation institutions to carry out the communitization of psychiatric medical system. Community-based clinical model could reduce more cost. The quality of life (QOL) of psychotic patients is an important indicator to evaluate the effects of community care. This study aims to understand the relations among the characteristics of population sociology, sickness, and family, as well as QOL and social support about the patients in community psychiatric rehabilitation institutions. The research subjects are a community rehabilitation center and the psychotic patients in a rehabilitation institute in central Taiwan. With structural questionnaire for data collection, it was proceeded in the period of May – October, 2010 with 301 respondents. The questions in this study contain the characteristics of patient demography, the World Health Organization (WHO) QOL questionnaire– Brief reference for Taiwan (WHOQOL-BREF (TW)), and social support scale. The findings are list as follows. 1.The average age of the research subjects is 39.66 years old; 70% is single; the educational background is mostly senior high and vocational school; 60% is unemployed; and 80% has religion and belief. The average age of outbreak is 28.59 years old; the average period for illness is 12.44 years; and the average number of admissions is 3.70. 2.The quality of life appears the highest scores on environment dimension, followed by social relations, physiological health, and psychology dimensions. 3.The sources of social support are mostly from the staff in the rehabilitation institutes, followed by family and relatives as well as classmates and friends. The functions of social support are primarily for assistance, followed by information, evaluation, and emotionality. 4.The educational background, the side effects of drugs, the people living together, and the sufficiency of family income present statistically significant difference with QOL (P<.05). 5.The rehabilitation model, the sufficiency of family income, and the psychiatric status reveal statistically remarkable difference with social support (P<.05). 6.The outbreak age appears negative correlation with the contact time with family (P<.01), showing the younger the outbreak, the longer contact time with family. 7.The total scores for QOL and social support present positive correction (P<.01), showing the higher social support, the better quality of life.




