  • 學位論文


The study of influencing factors of implementing CRM in medical supplies industry

指導教授 : 陳錦杏


顧客關係管理( Customer Relationship Management,CRM )已成為企業永業常青經營的最重要的議題,我們要瞭解既有的顧客,傳遞客制化最合乎消費者需求的產品與服務,進而藉由倍增 ( base retention ) 提昇企業競爭優勢,顧客關係管理並不僅止於功能強大資料庫的建立,還包括顧客資料的深入發掘,針對顧客的需求提供其所需要的利益,藉由顧客價值的提升來與顧客建立可長可久的關係,達到獲利與成長的目標。本研究動機在了解台灣實施全民健康保險制度後,目前醫院總額制度,醫療院必須降低成本以維持永續經營,除了實行醫生看診配額制度外及減少醫院採購成本與採購項目以維持營運所採取之因應方案,面對這樣的劇烈變動,以及醫療器材產業競爭的日漸激烈下,究竟未來醫療器材產業的發展趨勢會如何演變,期望透過滿足顧客的需求,提供貼心、超過其期望、高品質的服務,以有效提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度,來留住顧客。 本研究目的希望從創新擴散理論與理性行為理論觀點,探討醫療銷售業的CRM 導入現況及理性行為的「態度」(CRM 相對優勢、CRM 相容性、CRM 易用性)與「主觀規範」( 醫療銷售業員工認知、顧客認知、同業壓力)對CRM 導入行為意圖的影響。並且提供醫療器材業導入CRM 之經營發展策略參考。 本研究抽樣以台灣區醫療器材工業同業公會之會員為研究樣本,廠商數共計107 家,發放問卷對象以推展CRM業務部門主管與業務銷售人員為目標。本 研究結論與建議,在醫療產業競爭瞬息萬變下,企業應透過分析找出適合自身發展的策略, 持續強化核心競爭力為公司爭取商機和創造最大的利潤的效應與結果。醫療器材業導入CRM對於改善營運效率與利潤的增加是有助益,並能降低行銷成本;企業實行各種行銷活動,落實並有效的執行CRM,企業才能獲得更高的收入來維持營運並健全發展,達到企業永續經營的目標。CRM正確推展態度必然能得到資方與勞方雙贏的局面。


Customer relationship management (CRM) has become the most important issue of sustainable business. We have to understand existing customers, to transmit customized products and services to satisfy their needs, and hence to upgrade competitive advantage of the enterprise through base retention. CRM is not just the establishment of powerful database, but also the deep mining of data of customers. By providing what customers need and enhancing customer value, long lasting relationship with customers is established and profit and growth are acquired. Because of the increasing financial difficulty brought about by the enforcement of the National Health Insurance, medical institutions have to reduce cost to maintain operations. Quotas of clinics are enforced. Both the cost and items of purchase are reduced. In the presence of extreme change and keen competition, the development of medical equipment industry remains obscure. It is expected that customer satisfaction and loyalty are upheld through the satisfaction of customer’s needs and the provision of consideration, extraordinary, and high quality service. This study aimed at the investigation of the present situation of the implementation of CRM in sales industry of medicine, and the effects of the attitudes (relative advantage of CRM, compatibility of CRM, usability of CRM) and subjective norms (cognition of sales staff, cognition of customers, stress within the trade) of reasoned action on the implementation of CRM in behavioral intentions. This study also provided a strategy for the development and introduction of CRM in medical equipment industry. The sampling of this study was performed among members of the Taiwan Medical Equipment Trade Union. There were totally 107 companies. Questionnaires were distributed to CRM department heads and staff. In conclusion, enterprise should look for its appropriate strategy of development and continually reinforce the core competence in order to gain business opportunity and create the maximal profit in the presence of drastic change in medical industry. The introduction of CRM to medical equipment industry will facilitate efficient operation, increase in profit, and decrease in cost. An enterprise will be capable of gaining more profit for wholesome development and sustainable operation only through implementation of various marketing activities and substantiation of CRM.


Peppard, J. (2000). Customer relationship management (CRM) in financial services. European Management Journal, 18(3), 312-327.
Menconi, P. (2000, February). CRM 101: Building a great customer relationship management strategy. Boston, MA: AMR research.
