  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Spiritual Health and Caring Behavior for Nursing Students

指導教授 : 鐘淑英


靈性健康(spiritual health)良好的人,在照顧病人時透過關懷行為(caring behavior)來滿足病人的靈性需求。護生在校修習靈性教育課程並不多,影響實習護生的自覺靈性健康與照顧病人的關懷行為之關係值得加以探討。本研究目的旨在探討即將畢業的護生之靈性健康與關懷行為的相關性及相關影響因素。以中部某科技大學182位即將完成臨床實習學分的護生為研究對象。研究設計採橫斷性相關性研究,以立意取樣,使用結構式問卷收集資料。蒐集資料以SPSS 19.0 for Windows版套裝軟體進行描述性、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、皮爾森基差相關(Pearson`s coorelation)、獨立樣本t檢定及逐步迴歸之統計分析(Stepwise regression)。結果發現:(1)護生靈性健康屬於正向(95.30 ± 11.31分),其中以「與人締結」構面得分最高,「宗教寄託」構面最低。(2)護生關懷行為屬於中等(51.48 ± 10.61分),其中以「了解病人」得分最高,「病人權益的維護」得分最低。(3)護生靈性健康與關懷行為呈低度正相關(r=0.276, p< 0.001)。(4)靈性健康預測因子為「與父母關係」、「臨床表現」、「抽菸習慣」、「靈性課程次數」、「課堂學習興趣」、「宗教信仰」等6項因子。(5)關懷行為預測因子為「臨床表現」、「靈性健康」及「課程學習興趣」等3項因子。本研究結果可以提供護理教育相關單位主管重視護生靈性健康及關懷行為,關心護生的自我靈性健康,將來在職場得以發揮專業技能與扮演好護理人員關懷的角色。


關懷行為 靈性健康 護生


When caring for the sick, good spiritual health people satisfy the patient's spiritual needs through caring behavior. Nursing students had taken less spiritual education course in school. Therefore, exploring the relationship between their conscious spiritual health and the behaviors caring for patients is worth among nursing students at the end of internship. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship and related factors of spiritual health and caring behavior in graduating nursing students. One hundred eighty-two nursing students who were about to finish their clinical practice course were recruited from a technology university in central Taiwan. This cross-sectional correlation study was taking purposive sampling and collectng data with a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS 19.0 for Windows Software, using one-way ANOVA, Pearson`s correlation, independent sample t-test and stepwise regression. The results in the study indicated that: (1) The spiritual health of nursing students was positive (95.30±11.31). The highest score was in the aspect of “connecting with people” and the lowest was in the aspect of “religious sustenance”. (2) The caring behavior of nursing students was medium (51.48±10.61). The highest score was in “understanding patients” and the lowest was in “protecting patients’ rights”. (3) There was positive relationship between spiritual health and caring behavior in nursing students (r=0.276, p<0.001). (4) The six factors predicting spiritual health were “relationship with parents”, “clinical performance”, “smoking habit”, “spiritual course frequence”, “learning interest in class”, and “having religious faith”. (5) The three factors predicting caring behavior were “clinical performance”, “spiritual health”, and “learning interest in class”. The results of this study can provide supervisors of nursing education related units to value the spiritual health and caring behavior of nursing students and care about the self-spiritual health of nursing students. In the future they can make professional skills and play a good caregiver's role in the workplace.


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