  • 學位論文


Preparation of Molecular Imprinted Polymers for the Determination of Benzoic Acid in Food.

指導教授 : 魏銘琪


防腐劑為食品添加物的一種,目的是延緩食品的變質及腐敗,其方法是抑制或減緩微生物在食物中的生長。而苯甲酸為食品中常使用防腐劑之一,但在食品添加的過程中,可能會產生添加過量而影響消費者的健康。衛福部食品藥物管理署公告的「食品添加物使用範圍及限量暨規格標準」中苯甲酸及其鈉鹽限制使用量為0.6 g/kg(600ppm)及1.0 g/kg (1000ppm)以下。 分子印模聚合物分別由模板分子、功能性單體、交聯劑、起始劑以及製孔劑五種成分聚合而成,具有專一性及高選擇性、降低樣品基質干擾,可作為快速之樣品前處理方法。本研究開發分子印模聚合物作為固相萃取之吸附劑,使用分光光度計當分析儀器達到簡便及快速檢測苯甲酸之含量。本實驗最佳參數如下:合成分子印模聚合物時間以24小時最佳,固相萃取樣品進樣以pH 2.2、沖洗溶液為pH 10 H20,沖提溶液為甲醇,有最好的萃取效果。 比較衛福部公告方法和本研究方法,雖然本研究方法回收率比公告方法低,但本研究方法可以去除干擾物質,提高專一性,操作簡單、儀器及耗材成本較低,也符合現在所提倡的綠色分析。


Preservatives are a kind of food additive. The Purpose is delaying the food spoilage and corruption, its method is used to restrain or delay the microorganism growth of food. Benzoic acid is one of the most commonly used preservatives in food. Additives are added during the process and may result in excessive additions that affect the health of the consumer. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) have regulated requirement standard for use of food additives, Benzoic acid and its sodium salt are limited to 0.6 g / kg (600 ppm) and 1.0 g / kg (1000 ppm). The molecular imprinted polymers(MIP) are composed of template molecular, functional monomers, cross-linker, initiators and porogenic solvents and it can provide high specificity and selectivity, decrease the sample matrix interference, speed up analytic procedure. In this study, molecular imprinted polymers were developed as adsorbents of solid phase extraction to process analysis. The optimum parameters as follow:Synthetic polymer molecules print template takes 24 hours , the pH of samples solution as 2.2, wash solution as pH 10 H20, methanole are eluted solution ,those could get best extraction. Comparing declaration methods and MIP method, although this MIP recovery rate lower than the declaration methods, but MIP method could remove interference material, reduce operating time,it is a friendly green analysis.


李菊, 劉淑君, 黃雪琳, & 東莞出入境檢驗檢疫局,2012,苯甲酸和苯甲酸鈉安全性與檢測方法研究進展.糧食與油脂, 49~51頁.
