  • 學位論文


A Study on Tourism Image of the Participants of Pingtung Christmas Festival

指導教授 : 林妏嬪


屏東萬金村八成以上村民為天主教徒,使得聖誕季成為在地的宗教活動及重要文化特色。萬金聖誕季在2011年屏東縣政府與萬金聖母聖殿擴大舉辦後聲名大噪,吸引大批遊客前來參與。聖誕季活動為地方帶來觀光經濟效益,卻也引發活動主題模糊與參與遊客過多之負面報導。旅遊目的地意象會影響遊客的旅遊決策,而遊客旅遊動機與意象認知又有相互影響之關係。因此,本研究之目的為調查分析聖誕季遊客之旅遊動機、旅遊意象及二者之相關性,希望藉由研究發現提出具體建議,供相關單位未來策劃及管理活動之參考。本研究以2012年屏東萬金聖誕季遊客為研究對象,並於活動期間以問卷進行調查,並透過深度訪談當地居民,輔以本研究內容更加全面。 本研究再進行正式調查前,先以照片引出法,找出本活動之意象形容詞,其次利用文獻回顧所製成之旅遊動機問卷進行調查。在回收的312份有效問卷中分析發現: 旅遊意象經因素分析後萃取出四個因素,分別命名為:「神聖獨特」、「趣味浪漫」、「地方特色」、「熱鬧盛大」。旅遊動機則分為兩因素:「文化社交」「紓解放鬆」。 不同背景特性之遊客對部份旅遊意象及旅遊動機問項有顯著差異,包括:性別,婚姻狀況,教育等。旅遊動機與旅遊意象會因不同背景特性遊客具有顯著差異。 經過相關與迴歸分析結果發現,遊客旅遊動機各構面間與旅遊意象各構面皆具有顯著正相關。旅遊動機構面中對旅遊意象各構面間最具解釋力的構面為文化社交,表示遊客會因著體驗文化或是維繫親友關係而前往萬金聖誕季,進一步產生旅遊意象或重新組織。 針對本研究問卷調查及深度訪談結果提出相關建議如下:活動期間加開大眾運輸系統及設置接駁點;加強活動豐富度及文化獨特性,使遊客透過參與活動藉以學習到不同的文化特色,也藉此達到正面宣傳行銷效果。


More than 80% of the villagers in Wanjin are Catholics; and a local religious activity, Christmas festival, has been viewed as one of the most important cultural characteristic of Wanjin. The festival became widely well-known after it was celebrated and promoted by the Government of Pingtung County and the Wanjin Church in 2011, and attracted a plenty of visitors. Although the festival brought tourism economic benefits to the village, a negative image occurred involving distracted activities and overloaded visitors. Many researches have indicated that tourism images affect the decision-making process of tourists, and there is a strong correlation between tourism motivations and tourism images. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the tourism motivation and tourism image of Christmas Festival, and to analyze the correlation between them. It also intends to provide some implications for future planning and management of the festival. Before the investigating, using the photo to find the adjective group spots of this festival. Secondly constructing the questionnaire of place attachment on the base of literature view. The study took 2012 Wanjin Christmas Festival as an empirical case, and 312 questionnaires collected. The results showed that: Based on the result of factor analysis, the tourism images were classified into four factors: holy/unique, interesting/romantic, local cultural, and lively/magnificent; and the tourism motivations were classified into two factors: cultural exploration/socialization and relaxation. According to ANOVA results, there were differences in some items of tourism images and motivations, and significant differences existed in the variables of gender, marital status, and educational level. Tourist come from different background have obviously variation appearance of tourism motivations and tourism image. It is found that there is a positive relationship between tourism motivations and tourism image to the Wanjin Christmas Festival. The cultural exploration and socialization in the middle of affected aspects about tourism motivations to tourism image is the most influence. it means that tourist will create a new tourism image or re-create tourism image after they traveled to Wanjin Christmas Festival. In according with results of questionnaires and interviews suggestions are as following: During the event, additional public transport system and set the connection point; strengthening activities richness and cultural distinctiveness, so that visitors to learn by participating in activities in order to different cultural characteristics, but also marketing to achieve positive publicity effect.


Tourism Motivation Tourism Image Festival


